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Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 00:32:47 No. 4555 [Reply]
What helps you stay focused? PENIS play always keeps me productive
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Working/being productive has always made me feel miserable, but being lazy 24/7 with anime or vidya feels good so I just ignore all the angry normalfriends telling me that being a NEET is bad.
>>4600 god, i envy you... i'm currently hikineet, but my family continuously makes me feel like shit for it, my mom even threatened to beat me and throw me out once...
>>4601 they tried that on me for 5-10 years after I dropped out of school then realized it's never going to work (like me lol) and gave up.
>>4600 And that's the fundamental contradiction. You're told growing up that work is this adventurous, fun activity and that being part of the larger social machine is "empowering" and yet you'd be hard pressed to find a working person that actually enjoys doing that shit unless you're talking to creative types who have the luxury of making money doing what they find fun and are able to do it without a high amount of pressure. Most people complain constantly about how they have no time for themselves or that they're so overworked that they can't even find a way to attend to their basic health needs.
>>4612 same as convincing a girl that your semen will give her magical powers if she drinks enough of it every day

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Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 03:28:22 No. 4511 [Reply]
What websites and games remind you of childhood? I am very nostalgic for a flash game/chat site that was called nonoba. It had a lot of multiplayer games, but my favorite aspect was the chatrooms for each game. I actually learned about Touhou from nonoba
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>>4511 I miss old reddit...
Blipville. It was basically a Swedish Habbo Hotel. It started as some kind of tie-in for a reality TV show, then they expanded it and it became much larger.
i miss newgrounds so much.. i still remember the first time i played Pico's School after I read about it on a obscure forum... if this game was released nowadays, it would get immediately canceled by Xitter users for the violence and school ambience. 10/10 experience
>>4511 bump
Your fortune: Good Luck
>>4546 Did you know they made an anime about Pico's School? It's pretty great, I drink a beer and rewatch it with my buddies every year. It's called Boku no Pico.

Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 21:38:18 No. 4452 [Reply]
When was the last time you felt genuinely happy?
i have depression, so it's hard to remember anything that wasn't an isolated moment, like opening a new game or something. the last treasured memory i have is a sleepover i had with a friend on his birthday; he invited a few friends from school, we all played paintball, and then stayed at his place that night and into the following day, where we all played video games, ate, and watched youtube until the cows came home. it's the only real sleepover i've ever been to, excluding things with family, and really the only time i've ever hung out with friends outside of school. i've always wanted to do that more often. ...now that i've written this out, i think the late 2010s up to the summer of 2020 was the last time i wasn't super depressed. i know for a fact i'm romanticizing things--i was in highschool then, and i know for a fact highschool, and that entire general timeframe sucked, even my peers and teachers noticed how outwardly depressed i appeared--but now that i've been a real adult for a little while, i really miss it, and i feel like i really missed out. the routine of getting up early, listening to music on the bus and before school, turning my brain off during class, skipping lunch to play video games in the library or reading manga under a tree, making small talk with my peers, unrequited love and heartbreak, and having a group of friends (most of whom i didn't care too much for, admittedly, but i had a few very close friends that i really miss)...typing this out is making me want to cry.
Today when I hugged my father.
when me and my friends finally had time to hang out again
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I've felt genuinely happy many times, sometimes in this year. I think the last time was when a really big artist retweeted my art and I got like 15k views or something like that. Here's a drawing I've made and didn't post because it wasn't good enough, so I can post it here without getting doxxed lol.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 01:59:22 No. 4397 [Reply]
Do you like long baths?
>baths i actually can't remember the last time i've had a bath... i do love long showers, though. they always help me take my mind off of things when i'm in a bad mood, i feel itchy and gross if i go too long without taking one, and i like to think to myself and go on long tangents and argue with the shampoo bottles in the shower.
no i take quick 3 min showers
>>4398 >i do love long showers, though. they always help me take my mind off of things when i'm in a bad mood Same here. I like to sit in the shower and just think and daydream
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always loved a nice little sing session in the bathroom & pretend I'm holding a concert

Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 22:01:24 No. 4494 [Reply]
Just came back from the beach. Do you like to go to the beach? Have you gone there recently?
The last time I've been to a beach, was in 2019 or something in Playa del carmen. Before the pandemic hit me like a brick wall.
i live in a landlocked state and don't travel much, so no beaches here. the thought of swimming in water with other living creatures makes my skin crawl, so it's probably for the best...
Used to go to the beach a lot before we moved. We don't have any here
I hate going to the beach. Theres sand everywhere and all the girls are dressed unbelievably lewd So I just avoid the place

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Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 15:37:43 No. 4529 [Reply]
Just had a bad day does alcohol helps never really taken it
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probably not wouldn't recommend it

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Triceratops greentext Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 02:53:18 No. 4496 [Reply]
>Be me Triceratops 65 million years ago.> >I'm a subadult and I'm leaving the herd soon.> >My younger cousin stumbles upon me again.> >DinosaurDisapointedface.jpg.> >He tells me that he found some berries and wants to check if they're safe.> >Tell him to check on his own.> >He gobbles down the entire patch on the bush.> >He sleeps for 5 moons.> >I'm still not sure if the berries are good though.>
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>Be me Daspletosaurus 77 Million years ago.> >Going out to hunt with my mate.> >We have been trying to find food for days now.> >Chances of survival are slim.> >We finally find prey, it's a teenage Hypacrosaurus.> >We stalk the animal for 2 minutes seeing if its alone.> >Finally, we strike and my mate goes to chase it from behind so I can trap it later.> >Our prey is startled and runs quickly as it can.> >Finally, I come out of the trees and bite its neck.> >It wails in pain and thrashes to escape.> >We cut its belly and gnaw on its neck until it bleeds to death.> >At last, it died and we feast.> >We share our fair share of the food.> >Me and our prey celebrate by making a nest for the upcoming mating season.> >Life is good.>
this is so boards-pilled why is it on hikari???
vil what does that mean
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The Dinosaur storytellers at it again.
hey I'm the guy that made the trike greentext should I name myself A: The Dinosaur Storyteller B: Prehistoric DungeonMaster C: Cretaceous Author Reply by posting A,B,C as your vote.

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Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 16:05:34 No. 4514 [Reply]
What kind of fucking captcha is this bs?
captchas have been getting progressively more and more silly, there are some that ask you play a small game or something at this rate i'll just take robots spamming sites or whatever, these are getting out of hand.
Does the old fashioned method of leaving a field with it's display set to none thus making it easy to detect bots not work anymore?
>>4514 >microsoft captcha asks me to make a car point in the hand's (image to the left of the car image) direction >make car point to the hand instead of the direction the hand is pointing in fuck microsoft benis , they could not even write a proper description for their stupid little de-anonimization tool.
Seen worse not too bad

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 23:35:56 No. 4332 [Reply]
Have you picked up anything new this year so far? (Games, hobbies, habits, etc)
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I got really into serial experiments lain! I already watched the show and played the game a bit but I just started becoming truly lainpilled
>lainpilled see, this is the one instance where i wouldn't mind the anti-azumanga loser barging in...
I've been walking out more. Quiet walks in the morning make me feel very peaceful
>>4332 i picked up skateboarding again, used to skate back in the 2010s. it has been a lot of fun.
>>4508 I tried skating before, but I just found it more fun to lay down on the board and slide down a hill. I found it too hard to actually skate

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Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 15:57:53 No. 4487 [Reply]
Since KFC brought Chizza to USA today, I decided to try one today. I was disappointed how small it was for $10 which I got lucky enough that they gave me another one.
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i'm so out of the loop, i live in the US and had to look it up... ...after a quick web search, i can safely deduce that i will continue to not eat KFC.
>>4488 OP here, I only go to KFC once in a while. My interests with Chizza was over coming from East Asia. Every near Christmas, I just go there to buy a bucket just to celebrate KFC Japan holiday despite I'm in the USA.
it got fried birds in it?







