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Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 19:37:09 No. 5465 [Reply]
I'm stuck in bed with flu and completely bored. What should I do? I tried gaming but my head hurts too much
Your fortune: Bad Luck
7 posts omitted.
Took the pill if pain doesn't stop I'm fetching rope
>>5489 Do you want someone to talk to or just hang out in the presence of? Maybe it would help
>>5490 Nothing but a pill can save me from this malady. What's the point of hanging out in the presence of somebody if all I do is rolling on the floor begging for mercy kill because my head feels like somebody's trying to open it from inside?
It's insanely hot right now. I am literally melting. Summers are unbearable for poorfags like me who can't afford conditioning.

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 00:31:54 No. 5400 [Reply]
What's something you do to waste time. I need to find something fun to do to pass the time
Your fortune: Bad Luck
37 posts and 7 images omitted.
>>5455 This is literal cultspeak manipulation tactics.
>>5450 >What's wrong with a religious perspective? I resent that. Its not a religious perspective because there are plenty of secular NASA scientists who've never touched a human female that rationalize their unhealthy sexuality by feeding us some rationalist argument for it. I bet most of the no fap freaks aren't even religious. Because religion is useless. I won't start a long tangent about my views on religion but I will simply say that I have no interest in it nor the scientific view of reality that NASA scientists believe in. Spirituality and religion are just thoughts that are made sacred and mystical and my thoughts are neither sacred nor mystical. I get along just fine without creating an imaginary realm of "spirit" in my life. These scientists that you talk about still have some ideas founded in religion even if they call themselves atheists. Just because some or most of the no fap freaks are secular doesn't mean that no fap itself isn't based in or inspired by religious ideas. >The objects of your desire usually are outside of you, unless you're one of those freaks who jerks off in front of a mirror Like maybe only mainstream Christianity and Buddhism are explicitly anti-desire. Even then its pretty overblown. The whole "religion represses sexuality" meme. The objects of my desire may be outside of me but the desire itself isn't. Am I receiving denpa signals or did this come from within me? The no fap freaks make it sound like I'm just a doll that gets assailed by thousands of desires per minute and that I need to ward them off or be consumed by them. In reality, I own my desires as much as I own my thoughts. I don't need spiritual training in order to do that, and I certainly don't need to repress myself. >So if you take a bunch of chems and start seeing angels that tell you to rape and murder people with an axe you'd indulge in that? Drama aside the problem with human desire is it can never be satiated. We always want something and once we get it we end up disappointed and chase after something else. Porn is a good example. People search for the video they like, jerk off in like 30 seconds, feel shitty about themselves, and then start surfing for videos again. Rinse and repeat. This is exactly the way that the no fap freaks frame desire. You're just like that guy who said that I should get AIDS. Apparently if I say that I don't want to become a nun, that can only mean that I jerk off every 30 seconds, take drugs, get penetrated anally, wear diapers and kill people with an axe. Maybe your criticisms are better aimed at the people who do these things rather than me who has never taken drugs, rarely looks at lewd images and has actually never wished to kill someone with an axe. Neither do I think you should aim it towards desire in general. In fact, desire is a pretty empty concept. The only thing that's for sure is that all living beings constantly have desires but you can desire an infinite number of things in an infinite number of ways. Why does it automatically have to translate into such insane hedonism? If I think that hedonism doesn't make me happy, it's not because I'm repressing myself, but because I never desired it in the first place. Unlike the no fap freaks, I don't care about making grand statements about how people should or shouldn't exist. All I'm saying is that I do whatever I want whenever I feel like it.
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>>5459 >Am I receiving denpa signals A fellow denpa fan, I see.... Hehe... Not much of us around these days.... Isn't it? It can't be helped...
>>5416 so instead of becoming stupid you become the other side of the coin? Just bust a nut dude. >>5417 >>5416 You may be able to keep going all you life feeling just fine because of your 'i am better than all of these gooners' high (projecting your past self onto others btw lol) but you will never be happy. >>5454 is in the know, monks would cut their shlongs off to try and emulate the goddesses they couldnt fuck kek
Edited last time by admin on 06/24/2024 (Mon) 23:07:28.

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Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:51:38 No. 5270 [Reply]
These are honest to god some of the best food I have eaten. Quick and easy to prepare and very delicious.
4 posts omitted.
>>5352 Haven't tried these before but I severely doubt they have a good amount of nutrition.
>>5354 Yeah and that's exactly my point. It's probably cheaper and less mentally taxing to buy this kind of stuff but it's literally just cheese and bread. You're not getting anything from it.
>>5270 Greatest snack food of all time. very real very true.
Pizzarolls are bettet
>>5360 Pizza rolls are pretty good actually. I prefer those much more

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 02:22:48 No. 5336 [Reply]
Would you destroy it
6 posts omitted.
>>5336 Yes (everyone is going to Hell)
Yes (I'm doing a remake).
No (epic vacation home)
Nah too easy the show must go on

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Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 12:16:17 No. 5261 [Reply]
Life is boring
Your fortune: Outlook good
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>>5385 There is no benefit in knowing the "harsh truth about live" and thinking too much about it. You're just bringing more mental suffering to yourself. Unironically the best is to be like a "sheep" about grand but pointless and oppressive topics like that, without being a "sheep" about more mundane but relevant topics like conspiracies and the like. Also if you believe so much in your misguided anti-life ideology, consider ending your life.
>>5390 ending my life is prohibited. i shall not loose to demiurge this easily.
>>5390 you need to take in all of the mental stress out of spite.
>>5445 >spite Why?
Go outside and find adventure at every corner







