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Touhou Thread Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 09:35:17 Id:5ab750 No. 91
ITT: We talk about Touhou from a gameplay perspective. Let's talk about Touhou!
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Which ones are better: the fighting games or the bullet-hells? I like the bullet-hells more because I am very bad at fighting games... Some of the patterns are just VERY nice to look at too (When you're not playing it of course )
>>92 I'm much more into the bullet hells. I really don't know how to play fighting games, I'm really bad at them
After getting a 1cc on Normal, clearing Extra, and somehow 1ccing Hard, I feel like I'm ready for grinding Lunatic mode on SA. I'm a little bit nervous but I think I can do it. It'll take me a while but I'm pretty sure I can do it eventually. SA is so fun
>>94 The fighting games are still pretty fun though >>95 SA is pretty good but I liek IN better
where can I get touhou games?
>>95 >It'll take me a while but I'm pretty sure I can do it eventually. Ganbatte ne!
>>97 you can get touhou games from moriyashrine.org there's a full pack of all of the games on nyaa.si you can buy the newer games on steam if you want to support ZUN >>98 arigato gozaimasu!
>>97 The later ones are available through Steam, but the older ones you have to "buy" Just download the older ones on an archive But on the subject of this, I have a physical copy of EoSD!
>>99 what are the new games of zun on steam?
>>104 you can get all of the main games from Touhou 9 - 18 on Steam
>>105 what do I have to type on the search bar to get to official 2hu games?
I liek to play the Touhou fan games that are on Steam as well, liek teh Sakuya FPS shooter
>>111 i love touhou fan games! a lot of them are on the same quality levels that the official games are and that's incredible
>>165 I love how dedicated Touhou fans can be Probably the most interesting and best fanbase I know of
>>91 I've been interested in playing Touhou for a bit, which game would you suggest for someone just starting?
>>201 EoSD is a good place to start I think. Has some of the most popular characters, music, and it was a first for a lot of things. It's a pretty good place to start, though it may be difficult. IN is pretty easy though if you want something easy. (IMO)
>>201 I started with Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and I feel like it's a nice game to start out with. There are some things that might be annoying for someone who's new but overall it's a good game to start out with. It's a classic for a reason and has a lot of iconic characters and a good soundtrack. Perfect Cherry Blossom I'd say is a better starter game though. I feel like it's a much more balanced game for new players compared to EoSD. Imperishable Night is also fun and it's also forgiving for newer players. The main gimmick in the game might be a little confusing though at first, and the deathbomb system might teach you some bad habits since it's so forgiving but it's an okay starter game. You can pick any of these since I'd say that these are the better games if you wanna start out playing 2hu but honestly just pick out the game that you're interested in the most and start playing it
>>203 PCB is the best starting place to me, over EoSD at least because it was the first game to have the hit box visible. It's something that's essential for me to play it. (That's just me tho) There are mods for EoSD that lets you see the hitbox though
>>205 No visible hitbox in EoSD is a little bit annoying but I don't think it's that much of a deal breaker in my opinion. I think new players could get used to it There's no hitbox, sure, but the game is kind of designed around that, over time you start learning the position and size of the hitbox too so I wouldn't really say it's that big of a deal, it's annoying but it's just an additional learning curve to EoSD I guess. There's more of an emphasis in macrododging in EoSD (except in parts of the game like Books in Stage 4, and some Sakuya and Remilia spell cards, those parts are micro) compared to PCB+ which helps with the non-visible hitbox. In the later games it would be really painful playing them without the hitbox because of more micrododging segments. I'd still say that PCB is a much better starter game than EoSD but I don't think it would be that hard to start out with EoSD instead
>>206 >There's no hitbox, sure, but the game is kind of designed around that, over time you start learning the position and size of the hitbox too so I wouldn't really say it's that big of a deal That makes sense, I guess it just felt a bit weird since I'm very used to the visible hitbox
I can't believe this :( I choked an EoSD Lunatic 1cc at the last spell card :( That's a lot of bombs used I'll admit that, but it would have been nice to finally get my first 2hu lunatic 1cc. Guess I'll get it next time
>>233 That's not good Don't worry, that's a very good attempt. You'll get it next attempt
>>233 The most I was able to do was beat normal mode So really good job! For some reason I was stuck on Patchouli for really really long
>>243 I did manage to beat normal mode with no continues, so I unlocked Flandre. It was pretty ambitious of me to make many attempts to beat it, but I was close multiple times I really should just beat hard or lunatic mode first though..
Apparently there's an exhibition going on
>>258 I wish I could go It looks cool though
>>91 Not really gameplay related, but I just had to bring this up. I used to have this as my desktop background at some point
what did you think of touhou 19?
>>297 Looks cool
>>297 It's very nice! I like the new characters, the music is good, although I wish there were more new tracks and gameplay has so far been good, but... at least Normal is too easy. I'm mostly a Normal player, but I cleared seven of the eight routes so far in the first try. I hope that Hard is a bit harder, I enjoy Hard a lot in PoDD so I hope it's also nice here
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Touhou is one of the games I have played the most in my life. If I am ever able to return, I would do more LNNNs.
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I've played UFO on and off since 12 years old but never tried to move up past the hundred normal 1ccs I've racked up. Going to finally practice Lunatic because why not. Without resources because I like pain.
I managed to get Hard 1ccs in 19! Reimu's route is easy, Marisa's too. Sanae and Ran are a bit harder, but I'm currently stuck at Aunn. On the other hand, I managed to complete 18.5. I think it was a pretty neat little game.
>>394 Good job! I'm still meaning to play 19 soon when I get enough time

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