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C Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 03:18:39 No. 711
Does anyone know how I might get into learning C? I want to make a simple RPG to play in my terminal but I don't know a lick of programming...
Not C. Anything but C. It's the most abysmal language out there if you don't know how to program. C: The modern approach is the book.
>>711 Literally just write a program and you will learn by googling syntax If you are on linux you likely have a preinstalled resource for the stdlib (ew) and (most) linux interfaces >rpg puts() is as good as any high-level shitlang.
>>711 "Modern C" by Jens Gustedt is more or less the default C beginner book. There is a CC version (https://inria.hal.science/hal-02383654/file/ModernC.pdf) so you don't even need to libgen it. >a simple RPG to play in my terminal Elaborate?
>>711 Anon we all start somewhere and it's okay to start with a scripting language like Python. Learn enough Python to build your simple game then move on if you feel like it. No need to commit to one language for all time. Sorry this didn't really answer your question. >>716 This is good advice for your 2nd language but if you don't know how to program at all you'll need some guidance to get started.
>>716 >puts() is as good as any high-level shitlang. I think OP wanted to make something like nethack and not 100% text, but I could be interpreting it wrong. In that case I recommend looking into (n)curses, however it WILL be very frustating, as there is little documentation, but it is doable. Just make sure to gather some more programming experience and keeping this on your backlog, before starting with it, as it's a bit advanced. >>721 As this anon, said, you probably should start with an easier language first. Sure, you can try C, but it will much likely be frustrating and not very fun. Ncurses bindings exist for Python as well, so you can make your terminal RPG with that too. See here: https://docs.python.org/3/howto/curses.html For learning Python just pick up some book from the last 10 years about the language (it's important that it is Python 3 and not Python 2.7) and read through it. The book or course or video playlist doesn't matter as much, as does practice. It's important you try as much stuff out as possible, so you make mistakes and learn from them, but also because you'll gain an understanding of programming overall. If you don't know which book to choose, just try this: https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=922B856D66574746B69EC69E67C20A17 In case you don't like authors writing style, the examples or find it otherwise not helpful, just search through libgen with keywords such as "Python programming", "Learn Python" or "Python Course"
Just use haskell people seem to have a very wrong opinion on it. It's super easy to use and it's extremely fast out of the box, almost on par with C, only 5% slower at most!

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