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Css Pepsi 06/25/2024 (Tue) 20:03:10 No. 624
Hey, does anyone know how I can enter the closed shell system?
The what?
>>625 No, I will never save this picture on my computer because by the outline I'm pretty sure that that's based on the dog from that shitty indie "game" und***le
>>626 Undertale is fun! You should try it sometime
>>631 have you ever played this shit you little fucking bastard? https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ i'm fucking seething this is insane
>>632 Oh yeah, the Sans fight is fun. Never played it myself in the real game though, since I never did the genocide run.
Does anybody have experience packaging for debian? I have a bunch of software I compile from the release that I have to make install into /usr/local but it's kinda gross, and I'm so lazy to read through debian's documentation hell. It would be most nice if you could explain how to slap a debian package with as little effort as possible. Some of the stuff is built using cmake () so it kind of complicates my understanding of the process.
>>728 debian uses binary packages, right? based on my brief experience with debian I would guess you have to first create the packages and then add them to a local repository (this is, a local list of packages) >compile and "install" the package to a $dummy dir (I think cmake has flags to do this, similar to --prefix with ./configure) >mkdir -p $dummy/debian; nano $dummy/debian/control (https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#debian-binary-package-control-files-debian-control) >dpkg-deb -b $dummy this will create a .deb for $dummy with the files that make install (or cmake install) would normally add to your /usr/local then you create a local repository in the arbitrary dir $lrep >mkdir $lrep >cd $lrep >cp -r dir/with/deb_files/* . >dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages >echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/path/to/$lrep /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lrep.list replace $dummy with the name of your package and $lrep with the name of your local repository (same with /path/to/$lrep). here is an example of a debian control file https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/pkg-basics.en.html#controlfile notice that the only required fields are package, version, architecture, maintainer and description
>>730 what do you mean?
>>731 There's so much info about packaging. I want to 1. git pull/wget the source code of the release I want to compile 2. run magick.sh that will make me a package 3. apt install it I could implement all that but I lack mental capacity to comprehend all the documentation right now
>>732 without getting into source-based packages that sounds easy to automate in a very crude way, you don't really need debmake or debuild, just have a script download and untar the release, compile and install to a prefix, add the debian control file, generate the .deb, move it to your local repository, and update it's metadata the only problem with this approach is dependency detection, but considering you are already compiling the software, I assume you have the dependencies anyways. it is a bad practice but you can list the dependencies later I guess

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