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how to make your own imageboard? Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:57:28 No. 529
I want to make my own imageboard but I don't know how to make one. I don't know how to code haha. how to host it online and paying servers? I alao want it to support a lot of files (like webm, webp, gif, pdf, etc...)
I'm a little curious, why do you want to make an imageboard, and what for?
>>530 I want to have my own imageboard with my own rules. nevermind this project will never be
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>>531 No, you gotta believe in yourself! You could go to one of those imageboards that allows you to make your own board, but the communities on those sites usually aren't great. If you wanna run your own site, you should look at the different imageboard engines, the only one I don't recommend is vichan. That's where my knowledge on this subject ends unfortunately. ;__;
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>>533 thank you fren!! but I want to make my own imageboard from scratch!
>>534 Ooh, sounds tough, even moot didn't create 4chan from scratch, he took the code from Futaba Channel. I'm not quite sure how you'd go about this but I wish you luck.
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>>535 thank you very much, I wish you were my friend irl, you're cool. yeah I know it's atough work to do something from scratch.
>>538 No problem! I hope you can do it, maybe you can create something new with the format.
>>530 >>533 >>535 nice osaka pics
>>541 I wish!
>>541 thank you!
>>535 He was 15, and retarded also :p
>>529 I think there's a lot of engines for it, most are free and open source I think Bumping this thread, this is interesting and I've always wanted to make an imagebard too
I've always wanted to make a music imageboard for uploading mp3/wav/flac, especially rare stuff I don't know how to do this yet
The vast majority of boards do not make it to their first birthday.
>>971 An imageboard sounds like the wrong format for that. I usually see blogs for that kind of thing.
>>994 Blogs are good for just 1 person uploading music, but if you want multiple people to upload, share, and direct download their music than an imageboard is actual a pretty good idea I think.
>>529 Interesting, I've wanted to write one for a while now but can't seem to find any motivation. Same for my booru project. But the problem usually is, how are you gonna keep it up? Hosting files cost space, and even with a small amount of users, some files can take up a lot of space. And about the users; you need a reliable userbase too. Not worth it to host an imageboard if you only get one post every blue moon.
>>1031 >Hosting files cost space This wouldn't really be a problem. Assuming you'd allow a max file size of 10MB, which is pretty generous for just images, we could calculate the (very unrealistic) average per file to be 5MB. You can get a 2TB HDD for under 100 bucks, which would be able to hold 400 thousand images, that's a lot! And text doesn't take up any space in comparison >And about the users; you need a reliable userbase too This is another story
>>1031 you could start a dicksword/mastodon/whatever clique and then tell people to switch to your ib, maybe even experiment with an invite only policy like cock.li - there are a few codebases that support it. I don't think everyone likes having all their posts and interactions associated forever to an account. personally, identity feels like a prison in my journey towards internet-induced schizophrenia
>>1039 Who'd use an imageboard with no users though? And I completely agree with the second part. Anonymity brings out the best and worst of us though. We can (mostly) say what we want without consequences, but we can also say things we would never have if it could be connected to our actual identities.
>Who'd use an imageboard with no users though? You, me, that other guy over there
>>1040 >Who'd use an imageboard with no users though? me. but as I said, if you want users you could start a community elsewhere and then migrate it to an ib even if it isn't connected to my real name, I don't like having an identity in general
>>1041 If there's no interesting activity going on, I wouldn't be using it desu. But that's just me. I don't like lurking dead altchans, makes me sad because sometimes you'll have actual proper conversations on them and then it grows quiet.
>>1043 You are the interesting activity, hikarin. That's how the bottom of the wired works
>>1044 Maybe, but I'd rather not make a thread to talk to myself, with me myself and I
>>1045 Sometimes it's necessary to take up the burden. I understand if you don't want to
>>1046 Talk about samefagging, huh LOL
>>1047 You'll understand one day, hopefully
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>>529 i have some expirience with hosting imageboards with vichan. because i am poor i hosted it on a tiny computer on my home network using NGINX. i would reccomend this guide if you want to set up something similar: https://comfy.guide/server/vichan/. and if you dont want to use vichan i would reccomend this guide: https://dev.to/fajarwz/laravel-10-crud-and-image-upload-tutorial-with-laravel-breeze-and-repo-example-4fn0 though you will have to change some of the CSS code in the last guide to make it feel authentic.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
the first thing I done when I bought a VPS was set up kareha. it's an ancient text board software written in perl i think. but because it's so old it'll have security issues, and I'm too paranoid to host something like that permanently... I used it as a personal screenshot uploader at 1 point too. Like how sharex can auto upload to catbox or whatever. theres a dev i knew who has done it for years and its a cool proj i think. others can still post, but it serves a purpose for yourself too.
>>1052 Hey anon, hows was your experience with vichan? any issues? bugs? or unsupported file formats?
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>>529 was wondering the same thing. i know actualy imageboards function on servers, php, selfhosting, and junk like that. but i do not have the knowledge nor the space for even a small simple site either. But i have figured out that you can make some weird static one on a free website hoster with just html commentbox & basic web design&development. im thinking of doing just that, even if nobody may use it. just a fun project lolz
sharing your deranged thoughts with strangers on the internet doesn't really sound fun tbh
>>1127 why not? you don't need to pretend to be sane around here
>>1126 how would one create an imageboard with just html, css and js? You need some sort of backend, unless you want to store all threads locally (in the browser) and have the user be the only visitor of the chan
>>1129 js and css to hack 'em and connect 'em to the botnet

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