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Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:23:42 No. 48
What was your first Linux distro? Over a decade ago, on my shitty vista laptop, I flashed Gentoo on to it, because people said it was best to start with in a chatroom I was in... I ended up figuring it out somehow though.
It was Mint for me I think it was pretty good for starting out. Works pretty well and I was able to adjust to it quickly
Well, technically, my first was Caixa Mágica, a portuguese distro that shipped with a laptop we received at elementary school. I remember being very confused using it, and wondering why I couldn't run .exe files, but everyone I knew, including me, used it to play Super Tux Once I entered University and started to tinker more with my PC, I installed Ubuntu, but since switched to NixOS, which has became my most recent daily driver I also tried Debian for a while, but everything was too outdated and kept breaking
>>50 I tried Debian as well once, I use them for servers but I'd rather use something else as a desktop OS. NixOS is pretty good
>>48 >I flashed Gentoo on to it, because people said it was best to start with in a chatroom I was in... That's tough At least you got experience from it since you figured it out, that's really impressive I've used Linux for years now and I still can't really understand it..
It was Ubuntu in 2018, but I didn't install it. My stepdad installed it on some burner laptop because it was the only one he trusted, and he wanted me to learn Linux because I kept talking about wanting to be a programmer. It taught me a ton of important stuff about Unix that still helps me to this day.
>>48 I started with Ubuntu, but I switched to Debian after one week, and then I switched to Void after a few months, and after a few more months, I switched to Arch, and that's what I still use. >>50 Wow, another Portuanon. I thought those didn't exist. The Magalhães thing looks like it could've been soulful, but unfortunately by the time I got to school, that wasn't really a thing anymore, unfortunately... Yes, I know, I'm a turbo-zoomer and all.
Ubuntu or Mint, like 15years ago. Was shit, didnt support half of my laptops hardware. Still not liking Ubuntu. Nowadays I'm satisfied with Endeavour OS
>>124 Yeah, Ubuntu is pretty awful. I would never recommend someone to use such trash if they're starting out
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When i had 6, i didin't knew it that my XO-1 with sugar used Fedora. Since on Uruguay we have an educative project to make computers accesible for everyone, the project started on 2009. Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceibal_project I'm happy since i started to hate windows on 2016 when i started to realize that windows are now full Spyware
i found the tech channel ive been looking for something as cool as this.
>>48 I saw a cool video about ubuntu, i was stuck on win8 and had nothing to do gave it a try never return to windows in 1 week i switched to arch from luke smith videos and /g/ memes 4 years later... I just use debian stable :)
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I, like many others I presume, started with Ubuntu. This was 2015. I was fed up with Windows 8 and was impressed with Windows 10 Beta around early-to-mid-2015, so I upgraded to it quickly when it released. I didn't have it for long and I don't really remember using Windows 10 during that short period in 2015 for some reason. Maybe it slowed down my PC more than Windows 8 did? My PC at the time was a cheap sub-3Ghz dual-core AMD machine with only 4GB of RAM (fine for 2012 but not really for 2016 and up). Being only a Linux n00bie, I settled for Ubuntu on my next PC. I didn't enjoy it, to put it lightly. Much of my Windows programs I couldn't find suitable alternatives for and that left me horribly regretting my decision. Funnily enough, the PC I received in the mail wasn't the PC I had actually ordered in-store, so it was taken back and I got the one I was supposed to and it came with Windows 10 pre-installed, so I stuck to using that for years to come. Again, I was new to Linux and didn't know anywhere near as much about it and other Unix-based Operating systems as I do now. Sorry for the downer ending (πーπ) But fast-forward to the Present Day, Present Time, I have two dedicated Linux machines and I much more enjoy the experience now, which might be a combination of better knowledge and skill on my part, increased software/hardware support on Linux, and programs that have seen 8 years of improvement to make the experience better and have more features. So, excusing the Linux bad first impression and several year hiatus, I guess there is a good ending to this story after all!
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My first linux distro was Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). I remember the wallpaper vividly. My dad and I installed it on a meant-for-the-trash Compaq that sat horizontally under the monitor. Still remember being blown away that you could eject the CD drive from the terminal. It was mainly a project computer, and I was only 13ish, so I certainly didn't adopt linux right then. Present day, present time, I comfortably run Debian stable on my main computer. Really only got deep into linux in the last two or three years after being gifted a raspberry pi.
Not anything impressive but I said screw it and tried Puppylinux on a VM because I was low on space I think I'm ready to try Debian, or Mint, once I have a good sized usb
>>135 ubuntu used to be ok 6/7 years ago, before they replace unity with gnome started pushing amazon and other stuff. now i just prefer debian
Kali linux was the one who took my virginity
>>243 Did you install manually or archinstall?
Arch without archinstall
Mint, literally just installed it. It's ok compared to windows
Haven't been able to install Linux since I have a shitty 350 dollar laptop that has a stroke trying to run the desktop Hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to install a Linux distro...
>>262 I use linux daily on a 180euro laptop
>>263 Wowzers! I still need to buy a sizable USB but I am le poor
>sizable You only need a few hundred megs for a debian netinstall (nowadays the debian installer includes non-free firmware for incompatible wifi cards so you dont even need ethernet)
Well that's neat! I was planning to use Endeavor OS like >>124 because it looked neat but honestly I'll take anything at this point
I tried out ubuntu as my first distro but i never liked it. Went back to bindows then i switched to linux mint. So i would say Mint
Put the Ubuntu netinstaller on a 4 gig USB I have in a junk drawer and I tried running it but when I restart my shitty laptop with the USB in it doesn't even fucking show the usual OS selection screen HELP I AM FUCKING STUPID At least I have Gorillaz Demon Days to comfort me
what's the least resource intensive distro that even a newfriend like me can use?
>>272 Lubuntu, or anything that uses LXQT Xubuntu, or XFCE based distros are light too
ubuntu 12.04 lts i think, i flashed it onto a dvd and installed it before i left to a new years party, when i returned i played with all the new stuff like rhythmbox last.fm scrobbling and libreoffice, i was amazed
>>48 Anon… if they recommended GENTOO as first distro, they were certainly your enemies my relationship with Gentoo is love and hate; the compiling time is simply overkill, but customizing everything through the package manager in the way I want gives a huge power that I can't find anywhere. And holy cow, you managed to do it even without any knowledge on linux! Congrats!! I started by Linux Mint, and literally I had my first linux™ problem in the INSTALLATION. It simply didn't wanted to install in EFI, and I didn't knew the difference of UEFI and Legacy Boot. It was a pain in the ass, had to mess a lot in the terminal and I almost gave up on linux, but I managed to solve it simply by switching to legacy boot. It was on a shitty Lenovo that I still have, but it's near to it's death- I don't know the exact order, and I distrohopped a lot . These are the linux distros that I used: Linux mint, Arch, Lunar, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Funtoo, Slackware, MX Linux, Pop_OS!, partyvanora, OpenSUSE, Gecko, Void, Venom and Nobara. Currently, I am using Debian Testing, because it just works; there is ton of guides, documentations and the .deb pkg is everywhere and easy to install.
>>49 >>261 mint is definitely the best for linux noobies coming from michealsoft
I switched to Linux pretty recently, it'll be almost a year now. I went straight to Arch because I heard it was the best for gaming since SteamOS is based on it. Had trouble for at least 5 reinstallations, after that I had enough knowledge to at least not break my system every month
>>48 Debian 10 XFCE I was in university where we learned Linux shell commands, using a program called 'Bash on Ubuntu'. I found it nonsensical firstly because I thought the command line felt so archaic and secondly because we were still using Windows all things considered. So at home I decided to dig deeper, because there was no way Linux was still just a terminal. I learned how to use VirtualBox, got Debian and was greeted with this. I fell in love with it fast.
>>48 Ubuntu on a disc from a computer mag.
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I think it was Ubuntu or Kali idk, I've been using Linux for so long.
>>331 >me breaking my system trying to fix a broken dependency for firefox

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