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Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 03:58:01 No. 38
How much math is actually required when programming?
Very little. It's more about logical thinking, which is also comes from solving mathematical problems
Mostly just depends which area of programming you're getting into. For most though, you're probably going to just see basic arithmetic at most I'm really bad at math myself
>>40 but do you know how to code?
>>41 A decent amount yes. I started with python then tried out the C programming language book, Java when I was younger too. Now I mostly use C# but I'm always up to try out other new stuff.
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If you are asking because you want to learn programming, just go for it, don't let it hold you back. But I think people usually downplay the role logic plays in programming. Maybe because they do not study it formally and instead pick it up here and there while studying programming. But logic is part of mathematics and it underpins most of programming in one way or another. Logic to programming is like calculus to physics.
>>38 High School math
>How much meth is actually required when programming? Mista White this code is 98% pure
>>38 I mean developing a web app (Vue-flask-python-postgres-airflow, dockerized) requires....pretty much 0 math. A little specific for the application. It DOES require a ton of logical thinking and structuring and knowing the currenty-in object-oriented programming. Knowing patterns is extremely useful and needed for what I do, but math? Not necessary outside of comfort with the basics of algebra. I say this as someone who does a lot of math and works in ML and bayes statistical modeling (I have a bunch of rando first authors in the ML field, very heavy statistics background with a lot of learning theory e.g. VC dimensions). The hardcore math I need is specific only to my applications.
>>63 ^ This. Most of the maths used in 'day-to-day' programming is pretty simple. Unless you want to work with something more complex (cryptography, for example, is highly maths heavy)
Depends I guess? My math courses in uni almost filtered me, but the programming courses and projects required like no math at all. I think the deeper you go into a field the more problems you will encounter that can only be solved by math or at least made more efficient by using math. Math heavy courses I had were Cryptography, Image Processing and Machine Learning. Okay I said "I had" but I actually dropped those cuz I'm a math brainlet.
>>38 It's literally all algebra so if you're a low IQ loser who wasn't able to finish year 12 levels maths you're not going to be able to do it. You'll end up as some midwit who can only copy other people's shit in Python or C#
>>38 understanding basic geometry in 2D and in 3D, (for example, equations of lines, linear interpolations between points) is very helpful if you are dealing with graphics or even just bare gui layouts For everything else, the way math works is that once someone has figured something out you can just copy the solution. It's highly unlikely that you ever get to work on something inovative so its quite useless. It's still a good idea to understand these things tough If I say that your algorithm takes quadratic time, you should immediately know what that means and why otherwise you will look like a dunce
The amount of math you need will vary depending on what "genre" of programming you're working in. Web development might not need more than basic arithmetic, but you should explore languages that specialize in scientific computation to see another world of computing. https://julialang.org/community/organizations/
Not a lot and for those areas where it is necessary you can learn it then since it's usually just a sub-part of what you'd get taught in school. (like matrices and calculus for 3D graphics or understanding the modular multiplicative inverse for RSA crypto) It's usually the theoretical college parts for academics that focus on the mathematics.

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