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Battlestations Thread Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 00:00:07 No. 350
Post your own battlestation here! I got a new speakers and a subwoofer since three days ago!
>>350 what flag is that? on the top
>>351 There's two of them: Red Bull and Monster flags. I stopped drinking them recently but I keep the flags though.
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OP here. Two months later.
>>479 >jar
>>480 I use that jar for this candy but they ran out at the moment. If you look at my previous picture, you see that same candy on the left of the desk.
>>350 Here's mine I hope I don't dox myself somehow
>>482 Looks very nice I love your shelf!
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>>482 Looks nice! Which one is your most favorite pokemon game?
>>484 HeartGold
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>>481 They're delicious ?
>>486 Yes! I love peppermint.
How the hell are you NEETs always so clean and wealthy? I thought the lifestyle was exactly the opposite
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>494 Gotta have the NEET mentality, but not the NEET lifestyle
>>482 oh wow nice. looks comfy
>>494 What's to say the people with good setups are neccasarily NEETs, sure this site has a lot of NEETs but I'm sure at least one person who browses this site has a job.
>>495 Hustler mentality, NEET lifestyle here I guess it now is moreso autistic NEET mentality, I was offered a job to maintain the back-end of a server written in C but because I am writing a big personal project I did not want to do it. Sorry mom, I will find a job one day.
>>509 or just develop a skill and monetize off it
>>510 That does not sound really concrete and thought out... Have you ever even met a person who "learnt a skill" and got a good living out of it or done it yourself?
>>511 It's very rare, I'm not the anon you replied to but yah it's very rare. Independent artist would qualify, game dev, musician, etc. Or freelance coder, freelance coder is probably more achievable.
>>511 that's kinda the name of the game nowadays though. zoomers are learning that the 9-5 lifestyle is pointless and are seeking other ways to make a living.
My battle station is a mess of cheap peripherals, wires and a cheap laptop. Empty uncomfortable table. That's all. My room doesn't have anything my mom hadn't put there. I try to be as minimal as possible. I don't want to posses anything. I want to be left the fuck alone in a secluded space. I hate you show offers.
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What do y’all think :)
>>714 looks very comfy anon would love to see your drawings
>>715 Hahahaha, Thank you perhaps one day :D
>>482 masu dore <3
>>482 Son what the fuck
Hello! (the censors are a photograph on my desk and an implement of recreational plant imbibement, which I'm pretty sure doesn't break any global rules, but I didn't want to risk it.)
>>908 I have seen quite a few setups with "media" monitor above - how useful is it? Doesn't your neck hurt?
>>910 There's a decent bit of space behind me so I just roll my chair back if I want to watch anything on it but honestly I mostly just put my music player up there, or some effects stuff for music production. It's pretty useless and probably not what I'll do when I move house soon. Also behind me is the obligatory ikea glass display case that every figure collector on the planet has, and one time while drunk I rolled my chair back way too enthusiastically and crashed right into it. By some miracle I managed to not shatter any of the panels but it was loud as fuck.
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taken with my 3ds
>>917 what's that jar anon
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Sweet love /bst/ threads. Here is mine, if you visit /bst/ on 4chan then you most likely seen my setup. >>350 what is that big box below the desk? Subwoofer or a bar fridge? >>479 Mint Based >>714 seems pretty cozy(even if i despise circumcised kbs) >>908 what kind of monitor stand you use? I am considering stacking both my monitors like that. I use my right monitor for youtube and i think it would be decent fit there

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