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help Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 13:06:40 No. 30
I have a harddrive/disk and I want to extract family picturs traped inside. I broke the pc by moving the cable inside the computer now it's broken and that's all I have. I am a tech illetrate I don't even know if it's doable. can someone help me? the pics are very important
no one to help me on this? how do I take back my pics?
Connect the hard drive to another PC, then use any method to connect it to another computer (whether it'd be internally connecting it to the motherboard itself, or just use a USB adapter), then you have access to your files
>>36 ok thank you
>>30 Give it back, Jamal.
>>64 it's mine mother fucker and I'm not brown, I'm white
>>65 and it carries the pics of my family
>>65 Calm down
>I broke the pc by moving the cable inside the computer you sure that it's broken? anyway yeah just like poster number 36 said buy a USB adapter for hard drives and plug it to any working machine if you use windows it will appear as a disk F or something i don't know how alphabet works in microsoft but it should be easy and straightforward >>36
here are the ports needed but I don't know what it refers too which cables? and their names
>>154 On the right is SATA. On the left is Molex.
>>155 and what the other end of the cables must be? usb?
>>161 yup

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