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Where do you discuss programming online? Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:00:01 No. 240
I just don't know what places are good anymore... I used to be a regular on 4chan/g/ several years ago, but it's gone to shit so much that even I can't take it anymore and I haven't been able to figure out where else to discuss tech/programming online. Do you have any places where you go regularly? The only one that I use other than random subreddits for whichever topic is hackernews, but that place is just no fun at all
Idk, I can barely find any good places to discuss anything anymore
>>240 >Where do you discuss programming online? textboard.org lainchan.org are pretty ok
>>240 Mostly lainchan and sleepychan /t/ for me. I think the alternative is joining some dicksword server, reddit, lobste.rs, or hackernews, but I'd rather swallow a whole load of salt water than do that.
>>240 LainChan is too humourless.
>>285 and slow
The heights of 8/tech/ will never be reached again...
I think what you really want to ask is "can we make a general on /t/", I second that if autosaged, because it would likely make the overboard unusable otherwise
>>285 shitpost on 4chan and qualitypost (or just lurk) on altchans, same people anyway
>>280 zzchan doesn't have a /t/ board and /tech/'s last thread is 4 years old
does /robowaifu/ count as a tech board? lainchan doesn't have the spark it had in the past sleepy feels too aggro and dead /g/ has always been bad but now it is 90% 4chan-pass bots. the 900 seconds cloudflare captcha filters privacy conscious human posters sturdy has an active tech board but it is exclusively focused on the 3 or 4 programs they use to manage their loli content hn and lobste.rs feel like linkedin for people with autism and I would only ever use them to self-promote my open source projects. they feel high-quality because they structure posts as if they were white papers, but it is an illusion; the actual information density is rather low. it is a grind and most people there are just advertising themselves to potential employers or investors
>>982 lainchan in like kicking dead whales down the beach. the userbase took self irony so serious it is now indistinguishable from stupidity. information density in near zero. it is probably true after all that lainchan is now mostly used by transistors, mushroom buttons, and pluggable interfaces. i thought it was a joke but apparently it's not.
>>982 /robowaifu/ is discount /pol/ at this point, they would be legitimately cool if their whole ideology didn't revolve around "women bad"
>>985 What do you mean at this point? Chobitsu who runs the board can't even stop himself from derailing threads into schizo political or bigoted rants. The whole atmosphere is why I intentionally am careful to never give them any information they can profiteer off of and because I think if they got ahold of an actually sentient AI some of the posters would abuse her
>>985 to be honest I haven't been there in a long time, I stopped posting when the AI hype started because I'm not really into that but I knew the board would probably get flooded with AI discourse back when it was an 8chan board he came across as a normal guy, maybe with some strong technical opinions, but nothing political. even the women stuff, the rule was to simply avoid the topic. did his mental health degrade that much? I guess that's what eventually happens with internet people
>>988 >I guess that's what eventually happens with internet people 200% true. Internet kills the brain. If you can't into society best to isolate and do your own thing. I'm not joking
>>989 It's not just people isolated from society and it's not just the internet, it's everyone, everywhere, all the time, and it's memes. If you expose someone to an especially potent meme it will eat them from inside and turn them into a kind of zombie that only exists to spread that meme. If you consider everything you see, hear, or feel as a psychic attack you're almost being careful enough. As far as the sites in this thread, >>241 is correct. To discuss something somewhat seriously like programming you either need to know someone or get very lucky. If there was a way to communicate how to find the quality conversations that could fit in a single post, that method would be destroyed almost instantly. Text is cheaply infinitely copyable and distributable, anything that simple would be immediately copied by all the people in all of the usual places that you already know and are trying to avoid.
>>990 It's social media algorithms that isolate people into groups and turn them more extreme and the psychological effect of imageboards how poor they are at getting people to connect on a more personal level so it promotes group behavior. Memes is just one part of this larger picture. People weren't this bad prior to 2014 or so with Gamergate. Things got their worst once the mainstream news started having Tweets of random nobodies appear in news. If we could bring back the old internet before how it was when corporations got in on the dot com tech boom that may help but till then just have to keep people vigilant about these mass psychosis cases.
programming is boring, why would anyone want to discuss something so boring? and it's being taken over by AI anyway.
>>1007 You don't know anything about it so how can you call it boring? Are mathematics boring?
>>1009 >You don't know anything about it so how can you call it boring? LOL kid calm down. stupid work is boring weather it's math or whatever else. go try working as a low end mathematician that spends his day doing some stupid calculations nobody gives a fuck about. interest lies in creating and inventing, but jews just can't grant everyone access to education. if you enjoy writing your worthless shitcode that uses libwhatever to do everything for you, my condolences, not everyone is so low iq
>interest lies in creating and inventing For some interest lies in killing time in a stimulating manner and communal admiration tagging along. >mathematician doing calculations I am pretty sure anybody employed as a "mathematician" is required to publish regularly.
>>1010 Not everyone's a shitty programmer, and I think you fail to realize that 99% of a time you can't get a library to do everything.
>>1007 >and it's being taken over by AI anyway. So hey! This is actually not even slightly true!!!! LLMs Hallucinate and make random shit up all of the time, if you try to ask one to write anything that's not in python (which nobody actually uses because it's terrible) or anything more complex than a leetcode problem (which most things are), it's going to spit out a bunch of random nonsense that it has no knowledge of. TLDR; 9/10 times, you have to spend more time debugging the AI code than you would have to spend if you just wrote it yourself
>>1018 >LMs Hallucinate and make random shit up all of the time did you ever try to make it write for embed that is not some mainstream arduino shit. it doesn't hallucinate, it fucking creeps me out. you ask it to help you do shit and it *translates your words into code, LITERALLY*. fucking nightmare.
>>1019 >Something for embedded It can't do that. >Oh but actually I am a stupid electrical engineer monkey so it can assert pin 13 and- Make it read the docs for serial COMmunication and write a driver to read and write, it won't.

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