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Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:14:24 No. 231
What's your favorite programming language /t/?
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the last time I've done cosing was the trial: you know the one when you make the machine says 'hello world'. I've only achieved that. but I'd like to know if the program named ruby is a good language. can you tell me?
>>231 Zig
>>232 ho I forgot to say, I think it was with python
>>231 Holy C of course!
>>232 One thing I know about Ruby is that it's Japanese
>>237 yeah that's why I find it intresting and want to know more about it
>>232 I don't know if you're the anon wanting to make a game, but RPG Maker uses Ruby as the scripting language
>>250 Only XP-VX Ace do newer versions use j*vascript
>>278 I have recently delved deep into Haskell, because of my thesis, and it's so much more enjoyable than imperative languages When I have the time, I'll try to explore Scheme and create my own toy language
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C++ because it gets me a paycheck
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I use C# primarily but use python occasionally for ML purposes
>>231 C and I unironically like asm a lot because it makes me fell like le hackerman, most of my C code has 'asm "movq $0, %rax"' after every returning function because, its also a nice hardening bonus i guess
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>Fully Functional >JVM and Java Compatibility (actually can land you a backend job) >Concise syntax >>278 The thing I personally do not like about Clojure is how unflexible it is compared to Scala. It decided that mutability is le bad and you should avoid it, although some times, not going fully functional is the right path for some applications. But ClojureDart is really making me consider trying it out again.
I like scheme, raku and C. I really love small languages.
>>231 Javascript, unironically. I hate Typescript with a passion, for it goes against everything Javascript stands for. If you want a secure language for actual production, you should be using Rust or C++.
>>570 >Rust Fuck off shill
>>581 What's your problem with Rust?
>>581 Rust is great. >forces people to work in a way that prevents them from inadvertently creating all kinds of memory errors. >no cmake >has informative error messages >has a package manager, making libraries plug-and-play instead of having to figure out how to link library x, y and z to your c(++) project >no cmake >can write gui with a few libraries in no time >has a standard linter >can run on every platform without having to bother with platform-specific dependencies >did i mention no cmake yet?
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>>582 >>584 It's an opaque overengineered language that suddenly started being pushed down everyone's throats. Since it was spawned by mozilla, they're also overly concerned with activism against "problematic" things and the like that no one cares about as far as embedding it into the language itself.
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>>586 >It's an opaque overengineered language Please explain what you mean by both adjectives, because Rust is both completely open source and extremely lean. The compiler and reference manual are both open source and licensed under Apache 2.0/MIT and all changes to any part of the project come from an open community process. The memory safety and prevention of concurrency problems are literally the entire point of the language, so I hope you don't mean to claim that that part of Rust is over-engineered. >that suddenly started being pushed down everyone's throats How is it being pushed down everyone's throats? Rust has become popular within a very short time frame because Rust is a great language. Many memory-related bugs no longer exist when you rewrite something in Rust, because the compiler simply doesn't allow for it. This is great for people who work on critical systems, because they no longer need to worry about such errors. Other reasons for why people prefer Rust over languages like C or C++ can be found in my previous post. >Since it was spawned by mozilla, they're also overly concerned with activism against "problematic" things and the like that no one cares about as far as embedding it into the language itself. Rust is driven largely by people who adhere to a certain ideology. This is no secret. If the maintainers believe in a certain way of doing things, then it is their right to do so. The code within your second image applies only to the code within the Rust compiler. If you disagree with this, you are free to create a pull request to change it, or fork their work and make your own changes upon it. I do hope you realize that you not liking how someone else does something, does not mean that what they have created is bad. Oh and the claims made in your first image about Rust are all false and unfounded. Seriously, did you even bother to check it out for yourself? To build Rust from source you do not need to "build each previous version", you can just clone the latest source code and run their build tool (which downloads the latest nightly release of Rust) in order to compile the compiler, the standard library and some tools. There's even an official guide on how to do so: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/building/how-to-build-and-run.html Compiling Rust from scratch will take an average PC around 30 minutes. Much less if you have a decent CPU.
>>590 How much were you paid for this post?
^ these are the brilliant rebuttals you get from taking the bait and putting effort in your post
>>592 >chatgpt >effort
>>593 Not that anon but that post was clearly not written by chatGPT.
>>590 >open source but not free. >memory related bugs are gone it is the opposite actually, krust tries to make programming easier for amateurs but it doesnt go quite all the way (eg. safe length inputs) and the result of that is amateurish software being pushed to the masses, it may not leak memory but it segfaults after 20 minutes of use.
>>591 What do they say...? Autism is strongly correlated to gen [...] ria
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>>601 >but not free. Please do state what part of the Rust project is not free. Are you not allowed to fork any part of the project? Are you being forced to pay a fee for using any part of the Rust project in any capacity? >it is the opposite actually What memory-related bugs still remain in Rust? >rust tries to make programming easier for amateurs I don't think I have seen anyone involved in the Rust community claim this. Do you have a basis for this statement? >safe length inputs I am unsure what you mean by this. std::io::stdin should allow buffers of up to at least several gigabytes in size. >the result of that is amateurish software being pushed to the masses Such as? >but it segfaults after 20 minutes of use There are two methods for a program written in Rust to induce a segfault: 1. you are expressly writing unsafe code, which you can only do by declaring it to be unsafe, to invalidate Rust's guarantees in memory safety or 2. the Rust compiler contains a bug.
>>603 >Please do state what part of the Rust project is not free. the one that wants to get its hands into the core team
>>603 >are you being forced to pay a fee ok, so you dont know what freedom means. Here, apache V2 license (the one the rust compiler is distributed under): "Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form." Do you a mention of you being able to fork the project? I do not. Rust is not free, dont even get me started on proprietary and shadily-open source crates. >I am unsure what you mean by this. std::io::stdin should allow buffers of up to at least several gigabytes in size. anon.... they are going to go in your memory you know? the kernel description is not going to fail, your stack or arena is. >[amateurish software] such as? windows >there are two methods wrong, you are retarded.
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>>609 > I do not. Oh, so the issue is that you don't understand what's written within the license? No worries, I can explain it to you. The term "forking" within the realm of software development means to make a copy of the source code of a project and start independent development on that copy. This act is explicitly allowed by the "prepare Derivative Works of" part in the Apache 2.0 license. If you have further questions, please ask. I'd be happy to help! By the way, I noticed you failed to answer any of my questions and instead made a (wrong) guess at what my thoughts were on specific subjects. Please refrain from doing so in the future. It is bad form. >the kernel description is not going to fail, your stack or arena is Rust is designed to ensure that neither stack overflows nor allocation failures will occur through a robust ownership system, lifetimes, bounds checking and other methods. Again, preventing ALL possible memory-related bugs is the entire point of the language. If you believe you've spotted a bug, you're more than welcome to report it to the maintainers of the project. >Rust is not free Please do explain why you think that Rust is not free, since I've addressed this point in my previous post already. >proprietary and shadily-open source crates How does third-party software that is not part of the Rust project impact the freedom of the Rust project? It doesn't, that's how. If you have evidence that the Rust project makes use of proprietary crates or if you can prove that certain crates are "shady", please do share. >windows How is the Windows operating system being pushed to the masses? Are the alternatives less capable or available to the average consumer? And are you claiming Windows to be amateurish software because parts of it was rewritten in Rust? Because you can only make that statement if you know what effect those rewrites had on the functioning or visual representation of the operating system. I'd like to hear what those effects were. If you also claim that Windows was already amateurish software before parts of it was rewritten in Rust, then I'd like to hear from you how the rewrites failed to improve either the functioning or visual representation of Windows. >wrong, you are retarded "Nuh-uh" isn't an argument.
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>>610 >How is the Windows operating system being pushed to the masses? Are the alternatives less capable or available to the average consumer? Microsoft bribes governments to make sure you have to use Windows in school, for bureaucratic shit, etc, and does other shady shit. You're either a retarded drone or a shill.
Edited last time by admin on 06/24/2024 (Mon) 00:20:27.
>>613 And governmental and educational facilities couldn't just make use of Windows because it is the cheapest or most useful option available? Tell me, why do you have the need to explain things with conspiracies rather than thinking about it logically and using any of the other more logically sound reasonings? You're also ignoring the second question, by the way. >Are the alternatives less capable or available to the average consumer?
>>614 >And governmental and educational facilities couldn't just make use of Windows because it is the cheapest or most useful option available? For a large portion of usecases Linux is more than enough. >CONSPIRACIES!!!!!1111 What are you going to do next, mention flat earth out of nowhere or some shit? Go back. >Are the alternatives less capable or available to the average consumer? No, but if people weren't manipulable and operated completely rationally and chose the most optimal products, the world would be much different.
>>614 But Windows is neither the cheapest nor most useful option. Schools use it because they don't know any better and because there are myths about how Linux is unnecessarily complicated or that it breaks often. Schools and governments also don't care about software ethics or anything like that. As long as they can teach kids and spy on you, it makes little difference.
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>>610 wrong, derivative works mean something that is not infinging upon copyright laws, do you really think that copying the entire compiler and adding one feature (aka forking) is allowed? naive fuck, one day you will sell your soul accidentally if you keep at it the way you are. >By the way, I noticed you failed to answer any of my questions and instead made a (wrong) guess at what my thoughts were on specific subjects. Please refrain from doing so in the future. It is bad form Do not accuse me of random shit you crazy. >Rust is designed to ensure that neither stack overflows nor allocation failures will occur through a robust ownership system, lifetimes, bounds checking and other methods. this simply doesnt work at runtime, do you even program? >Please do explain why you think that Rust is not free, since I've addressed this point in my previous post already. see above >How does third-party software that is not part of the Rust project impact the freedom of the Rust project? It doesn't, that's how. the rust environment is proprietary and that is what matters. >How is the Windows operating system being pushed to the masses? yo did the bot just break? LULUUL >>613 i remember getting a document as a kid saying that i knew how to use windows 10, topkek, from europe >>614 jesus christ you are like an actual sheep, stay with me bro please i dont like seeing the state win people over
Edited last time by syrno on 06/24/2024 (Mon) 22:45:01.
>>615 >For a large portion of usecases Linux is more than enough. Then why aren't they using Linux over Windows? >What are you going to do next, mention flat earth out of nowhere or some shit? Anon, claiming that the only reason that Windows is being used in governmental and education facilities is because the government has made backroom deals with Microsoft is literally the definition of a conspiracy: "Conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful" >No, but if people weren't manipulable and operated completely rationally and chose the most optimal products, the world would be much different. I agree. Alas, the majority of the world shall for the next foreseeable future remain inhabited by normalfags. >>617 In my anecdotal experience, there are three major reasons why businesses and schools rather make use of Windows over Linux: 1. A network of Windows PCs is easier to configure by people who have no experience managing networks. 2. Microsoft will deal with ensuring your machines are always up-to-date and secure against exploits, as opposed to having to do so yourself. 3. If you have an issue that you cannot resolve yourself, you can call Microsoft for support. In other words, it is a service issue. It's not the OS, it's the service that Microsoft provides besides the OS. >>618 >do you really think that copying the entire compiler and adding one feature (aka forking) is allowed? Yes. That's precisely what it means. If you do not believe me, you're more than welcome to create an issue over at https://github.com/rust-lang/rust and ask if you are allowed to fork the entire or specific parts of the project. >Do not accuse me of random shit you crazy. I asked you three questions: >what parts of rust are not free? >are you not allowed to fork any part of the project? >are you being forced to pay a free for using any part of the project? You then proceeded to accuse me of not being aware of the two different meanings behind the term "free" (not freedom) and ignored 2/3 questions. >this simply doesnt work at runtime, do you even program? Do you even know what you're talking about? The runtime doesn't care about the code it's executing, because it assumes the code is correct. It is the compiler that ensures that the executable code it is compiling your Rust code into cannot cause a memory bug of any type. Once again: you literally cannot write a program that causes a memory bug in Rust unless you explicitly label a part of your code as "unsafe". >the rust environment is proprietary How is it proprietary? Seriously, show a single example of any part of the Rust project that is proprietary and I will gladly concede.
If only you put this much effort into programming. You are a retarded nocoder who gets highs off "spotting muh argumaymaynt" or whatever the fuck, your stupidity is none od my problem. I hope you and everyone else who >open an issue lol, i am correct because you wont gets ran over by a car.
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>>655 lol LOL I design and develop Rust programs in my spare time for fun. Now let's see a snippet of some code you've written over the years.
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>>656 on my phone rn so i just took something from my github not impressed by rust fizzbuzz by the way
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Lua because it's really comfy It gives a developer lots of freedom to solve problems in a way that is suitable, with the features the problem needs and nothing more. My current long-term project is an RPG written in Love2D (which I adore for giving me a useful toolbox to make games quickly without tying me to a whole engine, though Tiled support sucks a bit), and I'd like to eventually use Lua to write 90% of the code for my dream game (a far larger RPG). There's a lot to critique with lua but the absolute freedom it gives me, along with the nice community and the fact it doesn't require much mental effort to work in makes it my favourite.
>>666 something tells me i should not use Lua
>uids 1 holy shit i have been samefagging all along
>>665 >takes file pointer >uses imaginary filesystem argument with the pointer as an index what did this genius mean by that?
>>666 I LOVE LUA
Edited last time by admin on 07/15/2024 (Mon) 02:23:37.

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