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Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 21:53:10 No. 22
What was your first computer? First OS you used? Do you still have it? Mine was a shitty iMac G4, but I got some DELL running Windows XP shortly after
Looks something like this. My dad owned it but I used it most of the time.
Pic is not mine but I have the exact same laptop still. A Toshiba Satellite. When I got it, it ran Vista, but I flashed an Ubuntu ISO on it, which was my first experience with Linux. Now it runs Arch
>>24 I have a similar one that's also a Toshiba, not a Satellite though. It's a bit bigger but it's from around the same time.
The first computer I had to myself was an upper-low-end custom-built my stepdad made for me. I don't know much about it except how it ran Windows 7 (or maybe 8.x at some point) and we upgraded it to Windows 10 in 2016.
>>24 I had a similar laptop from the same age which also came with vista I had it stored in a box. but my mom decided to throw it away because when she is bored she needs to come up with something to clean
(439.25 KB 2250x3000 il_fullxfull.4397482790_dp4y.jpg)
The family PC was a beige computer running Windows XP. Parents say it was a Compaq Presario (likely picrel). Then around 2005 maybe we upgraded to what looked like a Dell Dimension 3000. We had it for years. Sometime down the road the family installed Windows Vista, I can't remember if it was on the same Dell or if we had another new computer at that point but we switched to Windows 7 around 2010. I probably remember the Dell so vividly because we had it for so long. I only remember that Compaq Presario as "the beige computer" since it was so long ago in my formative years.
>>226 I love the shape of these kinds of PC's...

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