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Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 15:16:42 No. 173
I think I downloaded a virus(?) after watching an anime in a streaming website on my brother's pc, hes gonna kill me. Like in the pic related appear when I open google WHAT DO?!
where do I find the virus is located so I can delete it
unironically try turning the pc off and then turn it back on if you're super worried. a lot of sketchy sites just have weird ads that tell you that you installed a virus when in reality nothing happened. i guess also check your download folders (or whatever folders you'd normally save stuff to) to make sure nothing new that you don't remember downloading is there
What software is even reporting the virus? An antivirus software? Might be some cancer ad just scaring you. Are you using an ad blocker? A few years ago people used malwarebytes to remove malware, maybe try that. I would personally do a fresh install though.
>>176 done it doesn't work. >>177 huum if you want the antivirus I think he has avast hehe... >>176 I doesn't appear in the installed files >>177 no addblock. he doesn't have malwayrbeat guys...this is worse now, when I close a window of the virus, another one pop up right after
>>178 If Avast is worth a shit it should give an option to remove the virus. Otherwise download malwarebytes run the check, remove the virus and delete it again.
>>179 ok I'll try this. avast is shit antivirus
>>173 Seeing that its coming from chrome, It might just be a malicious ad, I suggest running a scan to find adware hidden in your system, its not that malicious, looks a bit of a hydrahead to me (cut one off, grows 3 more). Also check downloads, since its windows 11, if it was something really bad, windows would notify you with an admin message saying "Do you want this *application* to make changes to your computer?" without that it can't do anything.
>>181 >>180 okay it was only pops up that my brother deleted from the google chrome set up. phew
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>>173 The virus is called "Windows 11"
>>173 i don't think this is a virus OP, i've had this happen to family before, you probably clicked on something in chrome and you allowed it to show you notifications fiddling with the settings should work besides you definitely need an adblocker or just use brave
Did you solve the problem? The best thing is to reinstall Windows, but failing that you can try to get rid of it with different freeware anti-viruses e.g. Malwarebytes. It's probably not a full-blown virus, but adware/PUPs can be pretty bad.
>>186 yes, my brother fixed the problem. in fact I had to click on a pop up window without doing it on purpose then it installed itself in Google (on Google you have in the settings there is a category where you can see the installed adds and it is this is where the virus (?) was installed and this is where they had to be deleted yeahI think it was a pop up that install itself on the add on of google
>>185 indeed this is what happened, you're right

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