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日本語・ハードモード Anonymous-san 08/19/2023 (Sat) 19:44:43 No. 352 [Reply]
名る宗民は来休がトこ約制レウロヱ禁晃マレロ能長くまぐ労載査難豊粘けだえ謙越っげ的補べーゃの塩空とッぐ専決りリづ別性イラれ埼制ぞりと特意枠ろ。発章どクん厚開れたッル神齢わの尼郵ワミフヘ保掲つ怠辞フト井2情ケサ誰成エア士原エワネ取知タ公日ヘルイカ載無サ協政モ視引き芸割ツカ経4習到失降敷もイすこ。 16検テ投6楽両ア貝任べぐけ上思58投界樹ぎ先崎込ト近振きょ盗面ニ覧易援来熊にん。下能箱モテコム故郎ミ京書サシトハ楽可オネワヘ佳事リウ掲連オ二記ご悦速ふずぶ菓5紀むドみを高肯れドびは食態しさめき。健サニヱ束中レよほが大場つぱべ断社ニコサ戸用ミヲ映9利ヒウサコ以紀定トかど剛覧こぜ広政が撃勢フ急番めや家載とド科載うト態本ふょじに会今づぎう媛様ざげスみ向意宮輸てなスょ。 整す速記ス会提ーふあッ室一コツ控比ヲヤ病氷れぞフ勧木さッラ道高戦ユ文院リヒネ法返ソワム日能やほ番明ヱウシ先額犯ッぞ。目ちばごん予摘ぐリづあ罪海見うろ価76氷シレフウ創裏10勤ち間奈写レ州張リき小読アス金鳥買非リをにみ。間ゆ半止へもラい抜定ね設不カ簿者さ下日題製ナ野明ル面13将ウ州今せ議料防債めづやな。 大ア村及ヲツヨウ法祉わるにん子験レヲカヘ辺変討み岐6著スムヱイ細長ロワ面立ル必電スコ級高けずふ足歳かよ原8振火違ようわさ。器ほにげ試支に東問カサハ合数岡3課ば新提ハコトセ解江ヨ情悩ご録量月トふイね天量ま面全農閣お。応国ー録供わ宮抗ん条働テヲレネ中成めゆほひ若経ラスカサ廟脱ひイ批居ヌスクハ更駿柄捕れべほせ建亀欄をあーそ。
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>>521 >>522 大丈夫だみんあさん、壊した日本語ちょうど大丈夫。僕の日本語も本当に紺碧じゃないよ。しかし、お前たちが本当に何かを愛し、それに情熱を持っているなら、お前たちはそれを楽しむべきです。 誰もが学んでいて、自分のペースでそれをやっている限り、それは大丈夫んだ! 僕たちは楽しい時を過すためにここにいます!
>>526 はい!みんなで日本語の学習が成功することを願っています
>>526 日本語をより良く学ぶ方法を知っていますか? (´~`)
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>526 写真に写っているのは誰ですか? ( ´ω`)
>>673 おい、マジっすか?? 本当に知らないの? ほむらだ >>602 漫画です。僕はたくさん読んでるいます、けど、ふりがなでマンガを読むのが一番です。毎日、特に曜日や好きな食べ物を漢字で書いてくださいー できるだけ多くのことを学ぶことが重要だよ。 僕は特に完璧ではありません、、イマシャンは最も重要なことです・ それじゃ、頑張って

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名無し 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:04:07 No. 768 [Reply]
BITCHjita lost.

tommy february6 Anonymous-san 07/12/2023 (Wed) 15:07:24 No. 112 [Reply]
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>>350 I like the chorus of lost my pieces. it sounds well .. heavenly. same for can you hear me and the chorus sounds catchy. unlimited is good too, very catchy. I already know about' hey my friend' I like it I'll add these new songs into my playlist of best tommy'songs!
i was looking for a specific heavenly6 song and found this video and realized that girls are really hot when they're pale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8e4BUJ8Qb8&list=PLyiN78LOAv51VmvFQDOO-sIkmXDa12vfB&index=3
anyone into february6 who want to talk about it?
huh, i like sugar me way more than i thought i would lol https://youtu.be/U1WqBVMHHDU?feature=shared
>>735 glad to know there's more tommy february enjoyer!

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japanese shoegaze Anonymous-san 07/27/2023 (Thu) 12:07:13 No. 188 [Reply]
post int this thread shoegaze bands from japan here's a good one to begin with >17 years old and berlin wall https://youtu.be/XNwUdym9URg
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here are a couple that i think are cool ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2uLPowQ-Gk - Tokenai Namae - Seifuku Kanro Club https://youtu.be/wFJaJKgBmB0 - Universe Nekoko - Kimi no You ni Ikiretara
>>189 really good taste. I downloaded their music thank you!
>>571 thank you very much, I like it very much!!

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名無し 01/02/2024 (Tue) 00:03:09 No. 746 [Reply]
Where did my thread go? I'm a scholar you know
>>746 >PIGjita

Recent anime thread! 名無し 11/13/2023 (Mon) 13:20:21 No. 631 [Reply]
what are some anime in recent memory you've really liked? (by "in recent memory", i mean since the beginning of the 2020s.)
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>>658 I wouldn't say it's only 4chan. It has been a big hit elsewhere too, it's getting lots of fanart on Pixiv for example. The manga is relatively successful; that's how I got into it. The threads for the manga were already relatively popular on 4chan, although I don't go a lot in /a/ so I can't say for sure. I honestly expected it to be successful, it's good. The pacing is nice, the anime improves the fights and follows to the letter what was already a good manga.
>>659 My friend has been recommending this a lot to me recently, I might actually watch it
>>659 Somehow got #1 on MAL too..
>>718 And that's not even thanks to users purposeley boosting the number through multiple accounts like we've had in the past with (IIRC) AOT season 3. People just legitmatley love this and the only real complaints I've seen from people disliking it are either them not understanding the character and the message of the series and as a result finding her to be bland, while some are just hating on it because it's popular. I have a bad habbit of hyperfixating on 2000's anime and ignoring the new stuff but even I can say it's one of the best thats come out in years and will surely be looked back on as a classic if the rest of the series stays as consistently good as it has been so far.
>>632 is he pissing himself as consistently as in the manga?

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名無し 12/23/2023 (Sat) 13:53:21 No. 737 [Reply]
Have you watched Ergo Proxy? What do you think?
I didn't understand it all. should have got more action and less talk. meh/10
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>>737 one of my old favorites.. I love pino. \ >>739 there was pretty constant action. maybe you would like psychopass. completely different anime. but more action and faster pace, story isn't a mess. I forget what ergo was going for and what the creator said about it. I think it was an eva situation where there wasn't really a point to any of it and the symbolism was just cool. at the same time I'm not sure about that because ergo's symbolism I remember making sense to me when you look up all the names of the deities being referenced. I'd put it somewhere between a 7-8/10. I also recall that the ending got botched or somewhere in between was. I could be remembering a different anime from back then though.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 名無し 12/04/2023 (Mon) 09:09:13 No. 675 [Reply]
Haven't gotten around to seeing this yet. The girls are cute though Should I watch it?
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>>690 >how did they get away with it in 2005? If you're talking about the anime specifically, it released in 2006 Also, sexual stuff like this have been around long before this series
>>685 I liked it when they were in bunny outfits
>>685 I can't feel bad for Mikuru. She's so introverted it hurts. Just speak up and stop whining
>>676 Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of the best movies I have watched. Also, Yuki is love.
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>>722 I wish I could find a girl like Yuki...

Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 01:12:15 Id:ce39f0 No. 27 [Reply] [Last]
What have you guys been reading/watching lately?
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>>711 oh ok
>>27 Started watching Fist of the North Star because I've never seen it before and it's a classic so I figured I should.
>>27 i read the light novel for Welcome to the NHK on a whim and really enjoyed it. i always avoided it for the longest, because the only thing i ever heard about it was that it was..."a deconstruction/critique of otaku culture with an unlikable protagonist", and i've always hated discussion like that. it will never not bother me how japanese media consistently attracts people who don't like it here in the states. so i always try to avoid anime like that. but NHK i ended up really resonating with. i think some people do the story a disservice when they only discuss the one aspect of the story. i really resonated with the characters, Yamazaki especially. that said, i feel like the ending was a bit contrived. it could just be me projecting my own bitterness onto the story, but i feel like everyone suddenly getting a happy ending was kind of unrealistic. i'm downloading the anime right now, i've only ever seen people recommend the anime and not the book, i know there are a couple of differences between the two. the download is taking forever
I finished watching all the episodes of DIY!! (the anime) it was okay but I wish we had more things builed
>>731 I've read the manga and the LN + the remake (named rebuild of NHK) that is only 33 pages I think; and watched the anime. there all different on some points and sometimes they're the same on some points. I can't say wihch one I liked the most and which one I hated the most because they're all different in their own. so I liled them all . you should also go for all the NHK piece of wroks, you'll like it for sure

How can I learn Japanese 名無し 12/07/2023 (Thu) 14:11:27 No. 683 [Reply]
my fellow man's of culture in /jp/... HOW TO LEARN JAPANESE? I think some here already can read and understand some basic level of japanese. I don't want to do grammar books because most of them are... A bit of waste of time? I dunno. And I am veeeryy lazy to do anki cards. I was learning the kanji radicals but I stopped by one day and I lost my streak currently I only know Hiragana. I really wanted to learn because there is a lot's of japanese media that simply isn't translated, and I can't enjoy because: >oopsie your nihongo level is N minus 6, owari da Anyway, how do you guys learn? Don't recommend me Duolingo. I HATE this partyvanrd.
>>683 i can only read/type hiragana and katakana but one of my friends started taking learning japanese seriously and he sent me this guide https://www.tofugu.com/learn-japanese/ you do have to learn the fundamentals, like grammar, or else you're just going to be screwed, and grammar books are just an easy way for most people to learn that, though i'm sure you can find other options for learning that. > I was learning the kanji radicals but I stopped by one day and I lost my streak don't let stuff like this get to you. it's fine to take breaks. eventually you're going to just going to hit a point where you slow down when learning a new language because the honeymoon phase wears off and it gets repetitive. just keep learning new things at your own pace, and whatever you do, for the love of god do not stop practicing for too long, you will lose whatever knowledge you've acquired if you do that (this is how most americans take 1-4 years of spanish in high school and then forget all of it in their adult years, they don't use it at all after they get out of school).
>>683 >step 1 memorize the kana brute force memorize the kana this should only take a day or two a week max https://djtguide.neocities.org/kana/ progressively add another kana column until you have no trouble recognizing all the kana if you still have trouble write down each kana 50 times >step 2 learn some grammar grammar has 3 parts: Sentence Structure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5PD1lORiwk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyVZlaEqU24 Particles https://imabi.org/table-of-contents-%e7%9b%ae%e6%ac%a1/ https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/GqYvdEhgKNOcBDSZnDDGsWGc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwcTI9qvO-U&list=PLg9uYxuZf8x-FpkArMEoVVfw10TDT9I1h Verb Agglutinations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIPhvGxp43c

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