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Anonymous Global volunteer 07/01/2023 (Sat) 08:28:32 No. 14 [Reply]
Specialized tags are can be used for math related topics!
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>>150 apparently not lol You probably have to ask the admin how latex integration works here.
>>152 It works, you just have to put everything on the same line
>>152 What's this?
>>185 prior basilian knowledge

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Busy Beaver Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 21:41:11 No. 197 [Reply]
The Busy Beaver function is a function that takes n as a number of states and returns the maximum finite number of ones that a 2-symbol turing machine with that number of states could produce. This pdf (https://www.scottaaronson.com/papers/bb.pdf) is the current (as of 2020) state of knowledge on this function. update from 2022: https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6673
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Minor correction: the busy beaver actually takes 2 numbers in the form BB(n,m), with n being the number of states and m being the number of symbols. Of course, BB(n,2) is the best studied of these.
This is something that would be posted on mathchan.
>>232 garbage board latex doesn't even render in there
>>245 >>232 nvm im blind, but still the posts are all very 4chan/sci-tier
>>246 what do you mean

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Should I try to 1-Up the MarioPlex Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:44:15 No. 261 [Reply]
If yall remember the marioplex from like a while ago that GT made, that number was big, but younger me around that time tried to calculate a bigger number called the RocketPlex, based on how many items you can get in Rocket League if you buy the collector's edition. I think I made mistakes in my math back then so, I wanna try again... should I? and if I do... should I send it to a Math institute or smth??
You should do it, they're waiting
>>261 Interesting but do it for something else instead of Rocket League
>>263 (OP here with different IP Address) Do you got any ideas on what games I should do outside of Rocket League?

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 00:05:01 No. 193 [Reply]
What's your favorite branch of science? Most things chemistry related has always seemed fascinating to me
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Chem is pretty cool but I sucked really bad at it when I had a class on it in uni But I'm pretty good at physics
>>196 What field of physics specifically?
>>193 Computer science, although is it the same kind of science? Most sciences is trying to find out something, while computer science is trying to make the computer do something
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>>210 Usually when people say "science" they're talking about the natural/empirical sciences, so no not the same type of science. Computer science feels like it belongs to the same category as math and logic.

science news Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 12:24:28 No. 214 [Reply]
what are the scientific advances in recent years? in any fields of science

philosophy study Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 21:06:27 No. 24 [Reply]
this thread is for philosophy and things alike studies and research
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>>90 a philosopher >>89 I didn't read it but I'm starting to read it
>>92 Based, don't forget to read out loud and drink coffee if stuck
>>89 How about his Metaphysics, did you read that.
>>89 i've read it several times >>169 started but ended up reading other stuff and never finished it, have read a bunch of his other stuff as well though.
>>170 Yeah me too, only read some of the introduction. i'm reading kant right now

Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 13:50:08 No. 96 [Reply]
Share some interesting reads Be it articles or books
https://schaechter.asmblog.org/schaechter/2021/05/prokaryotic-organelles-yes-there-are-such-things.html a blog post on prokaryotic organelles the entire blog is pretty neat if you're interested in bio stuff
>>96 E.T. Jaynes' The logic of Science A logic -> bayesian probability -> information theory angle of statistics. Absolutely love the way it ties everything together from that standpoint, possibly start with Shannon's A Mathematical Theory of Communication for the information-theory intro to entropy if you aren't familiar with the idea. I was a bench scientist forever and it really bothered me no one could adequately explain why we use certain things, like assuming the t or normal distribution for data without much reasoning. The principal of maximum entropy provides and easy answer (assuming a finite variance, the normal distribution is the maximum entropy distribution to assume) and it just fit so nicely.
so there's this funny DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1097-4628(19981205)70:10<1939::aid-app8>3.0.co;2-g "Investigation of Alkaline Hydrolysis of polyethyelene terepthtalate by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis" no idea how calorimetry works and why ppl use it but that's not what matters this paper was made by happas in the past century and can be summarized as "we tried to recycle plastics, it works" the plastic is called PET and it's basically 1,4 butanediol and terephthalic acid and 1,4 butanediol metabolizes into GHB inside of your body in a few minutes which makes GABA stuff in your brain spin right round insanely fast way better than alcohol and those red mushrooms so yeah if you don't like brewing or despise alcohol you can still easily fuck up your brain at home using plastics and toilet cleaners though hydrolysis takes a lot of time 10 grams of PET can take you like six or eight hours i recommend speeding things up by adding a bit of ethanol as a catalyst to your NaOH solution (KOH decomposes 1,4 into an unfunny glycol ) oh yeah there's also that terephtalic acid it's not "toxic" but there are lots of it you may want to remove it and most of the other nasty stuff by adding sulfuric or hydrochloric acid until the participate won't stop forming (stop as soon as it forms or you will burn your stomach) it also looks really cool you just one little drop and lots of crystals appear the participate is the nasty stuff just filter it out through a toilet paper and throw it away well it's kinda useful for other things maybe leave it 1,4 can be easily converted into GBL and then GHB but only the letters change effects are the same (and GHB is a salt while others are liquids)

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>PET >it's basically 1,4 butanediol and terephthalic acid oopsie woopsie i made a fucky wucky so yeah plastic that's actually a 1,4 butanediol and terephthalic acid is called PBT and you should use it instead PET will yield some 1,4 but most of it will be 1,2 and 1,3 fuck i should proof read what i write

Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 16:30:12 No. 100 [Reply]
What are principles and techniques of serialism?
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>>102 Yes
>>103 sorry I can't help you
>>100 I always wanted to learn more about music theory. Do you have any advice/material for an (almost) absolute beginner?
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>>105 Hi fren. Just learn music notation, scales, chords and what arrangements are (in that order). You do not need any specific books, even youtube stuff suffices (I learned myself with a "The complete idiot's guide to music theory" book); the important thing here is for you to understand the concepts. Have a piano at hand to play stuff you learn, so you can begin to associate sounds with concepts, that way you will be able to understand how it all works; try an online piano if you do not have a real piano, a guitar is just way too complicated to learn theory well. Knowing all of that should be enough for you to be able to "read" music as if it were a language; notation, scales, chords and arrangements are what music is made with. If you want to compose you can learn melodic function and harmonic function. Those are mere guidelines though..
not him but thanks for the book recommendation i also wanted to learn music theory

Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 17:15:45 No. 109 [Reply]
Would it be possible to make a microwave that allows you to heat with metal utensils inside?
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>>111 You mean an oven?
>>112 Yes, but ovens take forever. I'm talking about a quick and convenient way of heating.
>>113 Use an air fryer
>>110 They should make an alternative way of heating Works similar to a microwave and is fast But is able to keep metal utensils inside
>>122 Just use plastic utensils, or take the metal utensils out..

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Conway's Game of Life Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 23:11:29 No. 5 [Reply]
it's pretty cool
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There is some really interesting engineering being done in it. https://biggieblog.com/building-arbitrary-life-patterns-in-15-gliders/
just found out that there's a whole ass wiki for this stuff https://conwaylife.com/wiki/
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Yay! People who know about this. >>48 Didn't realize there was a wiki for it though LOL. I have a question however: Is it possible for a number of cells in a pattern to increase indefinitely?







