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"Love palace~"

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>>/t/1136 sup does emacs support my sound card yet????:annoyed:
>>/en/7847 Nope:surprised: [moe]hikarin immersion[/moe] socks:neco:
>>/t/1135 >a group of GNU/gangsters is heading in your direction >"sup bitch, we heard you distribute proprietary software" wwyd?
>>/v/1087 >>1065 Euro Truck Simulator 2
>>/en/7846 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grP6Z0tMmYM
>>/en/7845 Programmer socks?
>>/en/7843 >>7842 Alright:happy: but I think I need to wash them before you unleash your [rainbow]philosophy[/rainbow]:snicker:
>>/en/7842 >>7841 the socks are needed for the bonding to be [rainbow]truly platonic[/rainbow]
>>/en/7841 >>7840 what about my socks?:annoyed:
>>/en/7840 >>7839 don't forget about the socks :nya:
>>/en/7839 :angry: this thread is ALL about [rainbow]Platonic[/rainbow] male bonding!:surprised:
>>/en/7838 >>7837 ooh... someone didnt get fondled lately:nya:
>>/en/7837 >>7835 can you not ERP, it's pretty uncomfy. :eww:
>>/en/7836 >>7704 >paranoid about glowing robot spies don't worry, I'll monitor your load for you :snicker:
>>/en/7835 >>7833 I'd be down to just fondle each other :nya: maybe some kisses too :snicker:

- LynxChan + HikariLynx -