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名無し 11/09/2023 (Thu) 23:58:33 No. 604
WHO IS CUTER? Yotsuba or Chiyo-chan?
I have to go with Yotsuba here. Chiyo-chan would humiliate me with her knowledge and I hate being humiliated.
>>605 She's like 4, simply dropkick her, 名無し
>>606 She's 13...
>>607 Still a dropkickable age
>>608 GTFO. You are not allowed to threaten or mess with Chiyo-chan
>>609 Watch me, mofacko
>>604 yotsuba is cute in a normal little girl way but chiyo's intelligence contrasts with her appearance, which creates a nice gap moe... it's hard to decide...
>>611 I think we can't decide since they're cute in their own way.
Chiyo-chan because she is a penguin sometimes
>>604 azushits these days are just children who want to like something "different" but equally as old. that's why any anime girl that gets overtaken by that community is basically just the same meme over and over. these kids really annoy me. every decade the online kids really get worse and worse. yotsuba is the superior one. thank god zoomvrooms don't have the attention span to bother reading that series. or reading in general. goes to show azumanga anime should have never been made.
>>620 Don't devolve this thread about cuteness into your hatred towards a group of people you can easily ignore
>>621 no hatred. it just feels so fake. like none of this is true appreciation for azumanga. none of it ever is for osaka or Lain etc. it's just because it's old, I think? like why not actually get into anime and otaku culture. none of this is promoting it. like why is it all the same shit. are any of you even 20... I want to reminisce about more than just azumanga. it wasn't even that great. the anime was extremely inferior to the manga. also why not also discuss modern anime. why talk about any of this here anonymously, it's extremely popular with 12 year olds on instashitter and pisscord.
Mayuri is cuter. >>604
>>622 i don't disagree with you but also i don't think op or any of the posters in this thread fall under the category of person you're describing >also why not also discuss modern anime. i've wanted to, but i get cold feet when making threads
>>622 I've made already a thread for modern anime here make one too and reply to mine too
>>624 Hm. She's cute but doesn't have the same little girl cuteness these two have..
(4.01 MB 640x480 chiyodance.gif)

>>620 >>622 Cheer up friend and stop hanging around kiddies. Don't let people make you hate what you love.
>>621 Where did Chiyo-chan get the rocket launcher and how is she carrying it?
>>653 >Where did Chiyo-chan get the rocket launcher and how is she carrying it? You didn't know that Chiyo-chan is a Wehrmacht veteran? She probably got the Panzerschreck from when she served in the Battle of Seelow Heights
>>654 anime girl wehrmacht shit is sumanead meme
>>604 I enjoyed reading Yotsuba&, it helped me learn more Japanese and it's fun to read. More fun than Azumanga to me. But it's easier to find something cute when it's in an anime like Azumanga (since it's animated with voices instead of just the art and writing), so I usually find Chiyo-chan to be cuter. I love her voice!
(28.79 KB 480x241 6a0.jpg)

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