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名無し 08/25/2023 (Fri) 14:40:15 No. 416
quintessential/iconic Japanese/otaku webcore images thread i want to save some new fun pictures...
you mean whatever anime pics?
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(51.98 KB 370x350 [email protected])
>>417 sort of! just kind of fun y2k era pics!
So cute
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4/jp/ had a 2000s otaku culture thread not too long ago. i saved a handful of the 3dpd images, because they invoke a sense of nostalgia within me. there was a certain innocence/purity/genuineness to otaku culture back then
>>446 I love looking at these kind of old setup pictures, kind of wish I had a battlestation like those
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thank you so much for sharing everyone... keep it up! everyone is welcome! >>446 these are fantastic... i absolutely agree. i've always loved seeing people celebrate birthdays of characters like in the third image!
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>>417 No, they mean pics that encapsulate the nostalgic parts of 2000s otaku culture and are "aesthetic" Unfortunately, although it sounds bad
what the hell is webcore? i don't get it.
oh you were all born in like 09 or something
>>1225 in simple terms, "webcore" is the aesthetic of 2000's and arguably early 2010's internet. it's nostalgia for late millenials and early zoomers. >>1226 no. i was born in 2001 and feel nostalgic for webcore.
>>416 A classic.
>>1256 Sounds like my 8th grade health teacher
>>1256 Do you mean to have us beg for source?
>>1258 It's an edited text, but the girl behind is Tohno Akiha from Tsukihime (the original version, not the Remake).

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