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Anonymous-san 08/21/2023 (Mon) 09:40:46 No. 364
>The creator of this series is a woman WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!
>>364 you'd be surprised at how common girl mangaka are, it's not nearly as gendered as people think it is, especially with the more niche and lewd stuff >kodomo no jikan huh, i wouldn't have guessed. i still need to read that, also
>>365 are they more perverted then mangaka men counterpart?
>>366 that's a hard question to answer definitively, since gender doesn't have much bearing on what sotry/art any given person would want to create. speaking with what i'm familiar with, they're generally just as capable as men are. the manga in >>365 has full nudity in it sometimes. and the scenarios are just...insane. but in a good way.
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>>367 mfw i spent an hour typing that because i wanted to find a good example of what i was talking about and i somehow manage to misspell "story"
>>368 I can rest in peace now I understood what you mean
>>369 I mean YOU c1n rest in peace
>>368 >mfw Ahem.. Twitter buzzwords NOT ALLOWED 禁止
>>367 >Baby play My penis went limp...
Edited last time by syrno on 12/25/2023 (Mon) 05:01:30.
>>372 no normaldag lingo here, m'kay?
>>373 Don't fucking ever talk down to me ever again. Understand?
>>375 no normalfags lingo, m'kay I said
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>>376 >Tells me not to use normalfag lingo >Uses lingo from normie shows like south park
>>377 ahrg you're right. let's close thiis discussion
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>>378 Haooo... That was a cute lover's quarrel...!
>>378 No, lets keep escalating this further so that the whole thread is derailed. >>379 I-I'M NOT A HOMO!
>>380 ok, lets continue you bakka normalfag, using words from reddit and all, have you no shame?
>>380 >>381 ゆっくりしってね!
>>381 I love reddit.
Both are from the same author, and she is a woman
what is otaku
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>>393 >satanphone (ie. mobile) url
>>395 sorry I only have a satanphone, I don't have a computer. the reseon is my father don't want to give me my credit card to buy a computer because I don't work (I'm a NEET and 26 yo) and also he doesn't want to give me it to me because I would spend it in fastfood and manga. so all O have is this chinese (oppo) satanphone
>>396 Oh, you're the guy from the other thread. If your father doesn't want you to buy fast food and manga, maybe you can just ask him to buy a computer/to lend you your credit card only to buy a computer. I don't know your situation though, so maybe that's not an option. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Laptop_Buying_Guide You can get a used business laptop for relatively cheap. If you install Linux on it, it can be nearly as fast as modern computers. Also, maybe that's just a meme, but if you had a computer you could try to learn coding and earn money through that. But again, I'm not sure how true is that. But it might be worth trying.
>>397 are you the guy who posted his desktop on /t/? and I asked for the flip phone? also I already asked my father to biy a computer and told me why, and told him the truth and he said no. also I don't know how to install linux nor use it and I don't know how to code so I'll never make money of it
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>>398 >are you the guy who posted his desktop on /t/? and I asked for the flip phone? Yes, I am. >also I already asked my father to biy a computer and told me why, and told him the truth and he said no. Well, I guess it couldn't be that easy... >also I don't know how to install linux nor use it There's this meme that Linux is very hard to use and whatnot... It's not actually true. I installed a distribution called "MX Linux" on my 12 year old brother's laptop (which is from ~2012 and previously belonged to me), which was painfully slow and laggy on Windows, but now is very snappy and usable, and my brother is able to use it just fine without knowing much about Linux or the command line, and he's had nearly no problems with it over the months he's been using it. Linux is basically only a bit complicated when you want to do crazy customization that wouldn't be possible on Windows, etc (the purpose of distributions like Arch which I use BTW , Gentoo, etc), or when you want to run some specific Windows software/games (but I set up Wine on my brother's laptop, and he's now able to play most Windows games just fine... well, except for performance, but that's a problem with hardware, not with the OS ; and I was able to set up a Windows 7 VM on my desktop (since it's a bit more powerful) to play VNs to learn Japanese and whatnot).
>>399 well I wish good luck for the japanese learning...I wish I had created my own OS better then linux hahaha
>>396 You should steal the credit card
>>410 I don't know where it is...
>>411 You don't remember any of its details on it either? I can remember the details on mine
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>>412 no...
Was this scene really necessary?
Female porn artists draw nasty stuff.
>>439 LOL their tongues spinning inside their mouth
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KInda sad series well forgotten already. Mitsudomoe, btw, penend by lady too. YEt its comedy and it's a genius comedy, mitsudomoe i mean

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