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adding new features Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 12:08:02 No. 88
are you going to add new feature files like jpeg, png, webm, webp, pdf files, other files, 3d image, etc...?
what does this website do support?, mods? ar you here?
>>108 Says list of supported files in FAQ
>>109 ok thank you, are mods going to add more, what do you think?
>>110 Probably not, file types are fine the way it is currently
add mp4 thumbnails
This CP poster has been using the same oppic for several days now can't you make some shitcode that would autodetect him by the picture? I'm sure as fuck there's a ton of image comparison software that's not pixel by pixel dumbass. I don't know, hash similarity or whatever the fuck. Or is it illegal to hash CP pictures without getting glowies involved? Holy crap I'm so tired of this CP nonsense
>>537 even if you ignore the fact the image is the same (it was actually different once recently), the text is always the same and that would be even easier to filter. Not like they couldn't just write something else but I've seen the same text on like 3 different imageboards already.
>>537 >>538 I've tried hash bans many times, and text filters on LynxChan only works for replacing them. I could try to add a feature for filters that prevent it though. I haven't really messed around with the backend much though.
We need :eww: please whoever drew cirno emotes how much do you want? I have 5EUR on my card
>>544 Can't be used as such?
>>545 Need something more obviously disgusted! Like in that anime where maids are disgusted at their master looking at their panties! The kind of disgust emote you can use politely instead of calling somebody faggot
(1.16 KB 56x60 eww.png)
>>546 You mean something like this?
(9.69 KB 408x464 imnotverygoodatthis.png)
(11.31 KB 408x464 imnotverygoodatthis2.png)
>>547 That's actually pretty damn good, but I think :eww: should be less aggressive. This one absolutely must stay as :disgust2: or :contempt: or :derision: or probably :disdain: :disdain: sounds good to me, no? I'm not very (very not) good at this, but... picrel. d-do'nt laugh!!! Her head is a bit turned to side and her expression is a mixture of surprise at your stupidity (she's the smartest after all) and of aristocratic disgust with your barbarian post. Sorry I just feel so gross right now
aw that's nice!
(2.04 KB 56x60 eww2.png)
>>548 Well, I tried, although I'm not sure if it would fit very well among the other emotes.
>>551 These emotes will make a fine addition to the hikari3 emote collection
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>>551 I too thought it doesn't fit very well. I tried to lower aggression, here's a sketch, what do you think? It needs to be improved of course, but still.
I am thinking about making her blush instead of shadowing half the face but I can't come up with a way to do it. This shadowing worked very well for , but too much of it isn't consistent with the whole.
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I keep fucking up the eyes! I've run out of time, so I just leave this here in hopes you can come up with some nice ideas!
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>>553 Hmmm, this way she is looking more judgemental than disgusted. >>554 Agree, maybe the shadow is a bit too much. >>555 Cute, she looks embarrassed, but again, not disgusted... I tried removing the shadow, giving her blush back and changing a little bit the mouth, but I didn't really like how it turned out, I think it fits even less now, but you tell me what you think.
>>556 No, it's like she's just out of some western comics. Compare to . She's angry + cute at the same time. I tried to do something similar here >>555 where I am more or less content with the mouth, but eyes miss the point completely. I'm also in doubt about eyebrows. Will have to do more experimenting.
Also, blush always has five stitches everywhere, I feel it needs to be preserved
If by disgust you mean to imply that she acts superior to what(who) she feels disgusted by then it will never "fit", i like >>553 for that >>555 this one is like "you fucked your sister??? but hmm cute child tumy... ugh must not uoooo"
(2.20 KB 56x60 eww6.png)
I wonder if that's any better
Maybe I should try and steal the sweat bubble from hmm
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Damn I don't know!
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At least I can laugh at myself at bit it's not like get the chance to have fun very often
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Seem I'm not getting her to say eww ever
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Well, maybe this, I don't know. I need some feedback from an actual artist (you).
>>563 this one is great :blush:
>>567 I must admit it came closest to what I personally identify as saying "eww", but if it gets added, I think it won't be particularly hard to notice it doesn't come from the original author. I'm pretty bad at it (drawing) actually.
do case "${name}" in moot*) ban "${name}";; *);; esac asap please
is admin-tan a webfrenner?
>>572 >webfrenner who's this?
hello artist-san do you have any ideas what :exasperated: could look like? it would be a fun addition, if we could come up with some idea about it
built in 3d viewer would be awesome
>>715 Wtf why
(368.50 KB 1912x1017 bli-2025-02-11-11-53-55-382.jpg)
(237.97 KB 1920x1468 bli-8.jpg)
>>716 so i could share bli's models :3 https://www.artstation.com/bli
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Artist san! I invoke you! Please let me know if you can make it into something that fits you view of the hikarin emoji collection. If you can, what I thought of when making it was :spooked:
(1.38 KB 56x60 spooked.png)
Follow up hikarin because you're cute
Thank you artist san. I think can be improved to be less aggressive, because I thinj hikarin should be cute, but I don't see how that can be done right now, just food for thought And needs more thought put into perspiration. As I see it now it's a bit obnoxious by being too ubiquitous. Let me know if you have any ideas!
>>722 Improve it then?
>>723 I will when and if I get any ideas, but the Artist san is much more skillful than me and has by far better taste, so it would be wonderful if they came up with something cute and to the point
(1.07 KB 56x60 spooked.png)
>hikarin it's illegal! (just testing how it'd look)
(985.00 B 56x60 spooked.png)
>hikarin it's illegal!!
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something's missing
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>>727 I thought she didn't quite seemed to be spooked, but I think now I exaggerated in the spookiness.
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>>728 add dark lines and it is perfect
>>728 yeah but that spooks me as well
>>726 I think this one can replace current under the name of :stunned:. The actual could be a variation of >>728 once it is a bit polished.
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Looks better with no perspiration, no?
perspiration always makes everything better
i'll gladly fondle you elsewhere but not here of all places!
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artist san, i apologize for patting myself on the shoulder since it's clearly your achievement, but after some time brewing i say that this one is perfect after all.
>>726 yes! i nailed it! this should be called "whistle"!
>>757 i need to try playing with the eyes a bit tomorrow, maybe it'll turn out decent
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no it all looks like shit i guess i'm wasting time sorry anyway replace current spooked with your version >>752 it's just simply better.
>>759 thank you for your effort hikarinchama

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