I am not exactly an expert on this, but
The original behaviour of most imageboards was knocking you back to the thread index after posting. When you didn't want this to happen, in 4chan you could input noko into the options field, which would make sure you'd stay in the thread instead. Around 2012 4chan changed it so that noko became the default behaviour, but retained the option to have it the previous way if you typed in nonoko in the email field.
Now most imageboards have nonoko as the default behaviour because their board indexes change slowly, and it's possible to follow all the threads and posts on the boards through it. On 4chan it's simply impossible to follow the whole board, so most of the time people use the catalog instead to visit individual threads and not the board index, which ends up being fairly unused, rendering nonoko a bit useless. Now I actually appreciate that the default behaviour in hikari is noko, but sometimes I want to return quickly to the overboard and it would be nice to have nonoko to do it.