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Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 20:27:34 No. 451
>NO raids, politics, useless posts, pepes, and woahjacks. so, no fun?
>>451 1. Should be on >>>/h3/ 2. If you don't like it, there's literally a million other imageboards to choose from 3. Just shut the fuck up LOL
>>452 enjoy having no fun friendgot, also there really aren't a million image boards to choose from, at least ones with any posts on
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i have this rule because i don't like those type of posts. go away if you don't like the way it is. >>453 >also there really aren't a million image boards to choose from, at least ones with any posts on ..there are though? they're pretty easy to find too.
>>453 ][s4]HIKARI3 SLUR FAIL[/s4 Also, political boards are a dime a dozen, pal. And even if they weren't, complaining on a random imageboard will NOT solve your problem, lol
...Hikari 3 size fail
politics, nu-internet memes, shitposts, and unfriendliness are all very not moe. politics and blackpill nonsense especially, why constantly worry about all of that nonsense when there are more important things to talk about, like video games, anime, and cute girls!
>>451 why have raids, politics, useless posts, pepes, soyjacks when you can have cute anime girls and comfy posts instead?
>>458 because fun
>>451 The only 'fun' thing mentioned there are raids. Everything else is not fun at all.
>>485 what should we raid?
>>486 Nothing
>>487 yo sup admin
>>451 Hey its no good
>>490 stfu
>>451 >>454 What does "useless posts" mean tough?
>>493 probably posts like >>492 that just say stfu or lol or whatever other reaction words and images like woahjacks. they don't really say anything that can be replied to or reasoned with like holding up a card in the air instead of talking
>>451 no politics is politics itself so whats the point
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What about friendly raids for the spreading of niceness? >>451 Politics is unavoidable and banning it would be like putting a lid on a cauldron and hoping things don't boil over. Instead, politics should be allowed but under very strict circumstances with strictly enforced rules on special hidden board that's text only. But such a board doesn't belong on Hikari anyway. Just allow it with some autistically strict rules and ban anyone and everyone who breaks them.
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>>501 No, let's not add a politics board, the internet for a long time was not filled with political discussions and I believe this site has captured a community where we can recreate that, nothing good could possibly come out of a politics board, if you want to discuss politics, go somewhere else.
>>502 >the internet for a long time was not filled with political discussions Uh nope people have always discussed politics on the net. What's changed? Politics became entertainment and that's why political "discussion" is awful. Its just team sport tribalism now. Since politics is entertainment, every piece of media ends up getting politicized. Okay, that's not saying there isn't political value in something like Barefoot Gen or Battle Royale, but people will read their tribal love/hate bullshit into everything they see. Show an anime to a right winger and they'll explode into a rage about Jews or trans people. Show the same thing to a Reddit liberal and they'll rant about how anime fans are Nazis. What do either of these things have to do with anime? Nothing. In the past, political discussion was limited to political discussion. Nobody was going to have a tantrum over a video game unless that game was explicitly political. Yeah I'm not saying add a pol board we don't need that here but its a bit futile to ban politics. It doesn't address the problem. I say let people make posts about politics just under very very strict conditions.
>>504 You know what is meant by politics. Donald Trump, Conservatism, Liberalism, Leftism, Rightism, Communism, Nazism and their related flags and symbols etc. etc. Obviously, it would be stupid to try to make the claim that anime has never had political influences or themes but it is the kind that makes for interesting and impartial discussion. Most importantly, it only comes up when it needs to. You won't have people just randomly explode into ideologically charged rants on a thread for fucking Japanese cartoons like on other websites. We're basically in agreement but I just want to point out that politics are not inevitable and all you have to do is just ban it so you won't have to see it again.
>>451 I think that all of those suck but >politics is a bit sensitive. If actual politics were banned it would be good. But "politics" became a very loose buzzword and just expressing your dislike towards certain groups such as roody-poos and friendgots counts as "political" even when it actually isn't, but supporting or claiming to belong to those groups does not count, of course of course.
>>508 >just expressing your dislike towards certain groups such as roody-poos and friendgots counts as "political" even when it actually isn't I don't understand why you people come to these kinds of imageboards even though the whole point is to get away from your bullshit. I do think posting about your dislike of these groups is political because it inherently divides the community, being a part of these groups isn't one's choice after all. However you are right that supporting some kind of movement like BLM for example would be political and I of course discourage that as well, because that also divides the community. These topics have the potential to devolve into heated debates that are certainly not comfy, because political beliefs are often deeply held beliefs like religious beliefs, so it's a bigger thing than just debating whether an anime you like is good or whatever.
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>>451 You sound like the cancer that's been killing imageboards since 2011. Hikari having these rules already makes it leagues better than "Haha we're so much better than 4chan, we have our own /ins/ and /pol/ boards, freedumb of speech (but only if u dont hurt me and my dicksuckers fee fees)" that end up dying 3 months in because some other group decided to raid and ddos them into oblivion, or couldn't pay the bills. Hell, banning polishits alone makes it better than 90% of all social websites, forums (that still exist) and imageboards currently available since 2015.
>>513 Agreed, but most raids were always fun.
>>512 googoo gaagaa rools good shitposting srs bsnz u will never amount to anything. ur probably drooling over the way i type too fucking autistic loser if i wanted rules i would go post on reddit ibs are full of fucking dumbasses like you and that has always been the problem since /b/ died in 2004
>>517 nice larping
>you are larping >no you are larping! How was your day?
>>519 Pretty good.
>>520 ...Good but what did you do?
>>521 Literally nothing
remove cp there are two posts already. one is a thread
>>451 Raids should be allowed. The rest is awful.
>>576 You should be banned for this post!

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