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/h3/ - hikari3 Discussion

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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Change "Anonymous-san" on /jp/ to "名無し" Anonymous 08/22/2023 (Tue) 13:44:05 No. 193 [Reply]
On /jp/, the default poster name is "Anonymous-san". But I suggest to change it to "名無し" ("nanashi"/nameless), which is what's used on Futaba (and probably other Japanese imageboards). I think this would be more genuine, unlike "Anonymous-san", which honestly just feels more like a forced LARPer meme to me.
Oh, it seems that this change just went live. Nice.
>>194 Thanks for the suggestion! I had this in mind at one point but I thought it might look odd since all of the text is in English, but you make a good point

syrno##zmOAdD Admin 06/17/2023 (Sat) 19:52:13 No. 22 [Reply]
Good news: I got emotes to work (i got the kagami emote from ) I'll be getting sum custom emotes of hikari, then putting it on here soon (I got the idea from Heyuri & ikouchan so full credit to them!)
Edited last time by syrno on 06/17/2023 (Sat) 20:11:05.
If you want any emotes to be used besides the Hikari emotes, reply to this thread with sum
Hi from ikouchan. Cute board
>>157 Hello Thanks!
Just a suggestion, but I think I'd downscale the emoji's size

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Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 21:52:18 Id:8dec5f No. 148 [Reply]
>hikari3ch >3ch is this the sister site of
no, it's purely a coincidence i didn't have 3ch in mind when purchasing the domain, it was just cheap i might get a new domain in the future to avoid any confusion

I think the thingy is broken Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 00:46:37 No. 57 [Reply]
the last 2 numbers always display as 1
UIDs are the unique IDs, but depending on the board, IDs may not be enabled. from what i've gathered, it only displays more than 1 when ID's are enabled the screenshot is from a thread in General which has IDs enabled the amount of files are the amount of media posted, so like pictures, videos, etc which thread is this on?
>>58 hmm in that case I think UIDs should display as 0 or -1 if ids are disabled

syrno##zmOAdD Admin 07/08/2023 (Sat) 23:53:16 No. 112 [Reply]
how many of you would like to join and idle in IRC if i set it up?
i'd be interested in a hikari3 IRC! that sounds great
>>113 it'll be setup soon
I would
it has been setup: #hikari3 on

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Finally Made a Banner for /aca/ Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 16:28:15 Id:232957 No. 96 [Reply]
I probably shouldn't have put that off for so long. Attached is the uncropped version. You can get the final version by going to /aca/ and opening the banner image in new tab.
1 post and 3 images omitted.
I have a banner idea, you put a poc of a famous scientist, lile for example charles darwin, then you put a pic of an anime girl near it, would be funny
>>98 poc?
>>99 sorry I have big fingers, I wanted to mean. : pic (picture) sorry again
hope you don't mind but i'm gonna be transferring this thread to >>>/h3/ since this is more site related

Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 07:37:17 No. 73 [Reply]
I don't know if this intended behavior, but when I click on an emote from the dropdown, nothing happens. So, to add them to a reply, I have to manually type them I'm using Chrome, I haven't tried in other browsers, but it happens on different devices
10 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>78 Here's an updated quick and dirty solution const fieldMessage = document.getElementById("fieldMessage"); const emoteButtons = document.querySelectorAll( "#fieldMessage ~ details > p:not(:first-of-type)" ); for (const row of emoteButtons) { for (const emoteButton of row.children) { const emoteText = emoteButton.children[1].innerText; emoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => { fieldMessage.value += emoteText; }); } }

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

>>91 i got it working on a test instance, i'm gonna try to get it to work on here, and i'll try to see if i can modify it to work on quick replies as well thank you so much, it was a pain for me to try to do (since i am a JS newb)
the buttons work now!
>>93 Can confirm
>>94 Although I noticed a small problem, it doesn't alter the text of the Quick Reply

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Average user Anonymous 06/04/2023 (Sun) 04:56:58 No. 15 [Reply]
>Spotify Premium >Discord >Google Chrome i am disappoint

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Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 05:23:49 No. 10 [Reply]
loving the frames
quite incredible
test friend







