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Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 16:24:16 No. 7704
hikariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin lets post something! ima take the lamest route because i'm a dumbass sooo let's take a random article from anywhere and write 1-2 sentences about what you think of it. not something ultralame like "i think it's cool", but rather something that will make hikari3 more talkative! unhealthy imagination is most welcome look at this lame article, it's even lamer than me https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6073013 it's six pages of worthless junk that exists because academia is designed by intellectually impaired people who put value in publishing tons upon tons of absolutely useless "research" >Over the past fifteen years, researchers have been improving the technique of non-intrusive load monitoring(NILM)[7]. In essence, the technique consists of three steps: feature extraction, event detection, and pattern recognition. robots in your house spy on your patterns so you can build an efficient energy distribution system! totally not glowing >green buildings imagine having a little space station for hikarins! no one else would be allowed of course and you'd have to pass a test for knowledge of hikarism it would use solar energy to operate! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/galacticraft-legacy link related
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This doesn't really need an explanation but still, since scientific publications are relative to op:
>>7705 I think I have heard that it is not recommended to live near structures that can generate high frequency radio waves because this or that. Do you have any input on the subject?
>>7706 It isn't really about how high the frequency is (the sheer amplitude/strength of the waves), em waves don't have a destructive potential in the common sense, this is more about disrupting processes within the body that rely on certain atoms vibrating at certain frequencies by hitting them with waves that overlap with that frequency, extensive testing is required to find out what frequencies cause the most (or least) damage. The rule for frequencies is to calculate the least common multiple of the frequencies and then divide the larger one by it and that's the number of overlaps per second. I have a problem with them testing on mice instead of humans since the surface area for damage is much smaller, those in power are idiots
But yeah I wouldn't live close to those I can literally feel by brain tingle near there
omg OP thank you so much, after phrasing stuff out i have gone and made some progress in my amateur research
>>7710 it's great hikarin!
i feel sleepy as hell https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conde_Estruch this is the oldest vampire story. i know for a fact there are some blood thirsty vampires here on hikarin chan i wonder if being a vampire would hold more meaning than my current life i would spend nights frightening hikarins and then running away from syrno and his handy elf
>>7721 being a vampire seems fun, flying over rooftops at night, sucking blood from poor hikarins, turning into a bat to scare people with Chiroptophobia
to drink virgin hikarin blood are hikarins virgin? virginity equals purity!
>>7725 gomen hikarin. i am not pure.
>>7727 why??? what did you give up your purity for
>>7730 i shared an intimate moment with a woman
>>7731 was it really worth it?
>+pleasure >+protection from demonic beings Have sex hikarins
>>7732 i'd say so. i'm not really one for promiscuous sex but sharing an intimate moment with a woman you love and care about goes beyond just physical pleasure. there is a spiritual soothing, a bonding of two people in a moment of something greater than just themselves. it can be quite nice.
>>7734 damn, sounds like heaven. couldn't be me though
>>7735 i believe in you hikarin. don't fall for the blackpiller lies that tell you love is dead or women aren't worth it or whatever. there will always be someone out there for you if you keep your head up and try.
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>>7736 that entire "there is someone out there for you" fairytale is becoming harder and harder to believe. I am, and have always been, destined to be the lone hikarin, void of love and social interaction.
>>7738 maybe it's my fault, maybe not, but at the end of the day I am still in the same situation. and believe me, I have tried to get out. don't just assume I am a pussy because I took a little break. I'm still here, aren't I? if I truly were a bitch, I would've killed myself already. so fuck you for assuming I am a bitch, have a nice day hikarin
>>7737 >>7738 well, the post above is a bit harsh, and i don't think it properly sympathizes with the plight of the man "left behind" by society. but there is some truth that love and companionship will not be just dropped into your lap. the only time it is really over is when you throw away your future and give up because you think it's too hard. life is a struggle, and will always be a struggle in some regards. it's easier to blame the world, blame others, or even blame yourself for your shortcomings and give up. but to instead fight against this loser mentality will lead you to fulfillment. it's not enough to just want something. i tell you this based on my own experience, so grain of salt and all that.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been mean to you. Good day to you and stay cozy.
>>7742 that's ok, sometimes a rude wake up call is what one needs
take a look at this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_Hot_to_Die i think it's slop but it's very reminiscent of anime in certain ways. asian films in general tend to be even more gross than western somehow, though there are some interesting gems here and there. i think the premise would do for a good hentai
i found some gay reading material https://library.acropolis.org/the-art-of-losing/ actually it's a sort of reiteration of platitudes that make me want to shoot myself, and it sort of stinks of stoicism, but gnash your teeth as much as you want, there is a sort of truth in it. and to be fairly honest i'd be grateful if somebody taught me how to accepts fuckups calmly when i was a kiddo instead of melting down like a pussy. too late now now i'm a hikarin
why is this happening to me https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/44/5/zsaa253/6007670 fuck you!! ... I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP this isn't even a recursion, it's a neat tangible loop to hang yourself
>>7704 >paranoid about glowing robot spies don't worry, I'll monitor your load for you

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