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Interesting thread Anonymous 01/10/2025 (Fri) 16:38:41 No. 6951
Tell Hikari3 something interesting about you!
I wrote a novel but it wasn't anything good but goddamn it was fun! Going to write another one soon maybe hopefully!
I hope you understand
OP is it true that you are connected to the thing?
Why are you guys so boring wtf
I am an aspiring musician
>>6965 Image boards are a rightful place for losers sorry for disappointing you. All the "rush" is now on the social media. People who are not losers need crowded places to feed their attention seeking, so they inevitably follow the masses to use whatever is most popular right now. Not image boards.
>>6951 i love to travel. so far i've been to England, France, and Japan. later this year i am planning to go back to the UK but this time i'll go to all of the nations within the UK instead of just England.
I'm building a shrine for my 2 of my favourite characters currently. I want to make an itabag for both of them one day too, I think they're both cute and lovely :)
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I can read and write autotools scripts
>>6985 source NOOOW i beg
there is another manga with exactly the same name that is completely unrelated, so here is the mu link https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/zcd6t9x/jingai-no-yome-to-ichaicha-suru-anthology-comic
do you know if there's a .cbz download available anywhere? at least anything that not online? god bless you
you can use something like https://github.com/frozenpandaman/mangadex-dl to download from mangadex and then zip the files (.cbz = .zip)
>>6974 I’m jealous that you have been to Japan. That’s one of my ultimate life goals. Where did you exactly visit?
>>6995 i went with two of my friends. we decided to play it safe since none of us really spoke Japanese and it was the first time any of us had been outside of an Anglo culture country for a significant period of time (i was only in France for 3 days). we did the classic first-time Japan trip with Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Went to many of the well-known cities like Akihabara,, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Arashiyama, etc. as well as some lesser known areas like Horikiri-Shobuen, Urawa, Sakura, etc. i think my favorite was the airbnb apartment in Horikiri-Shobuen. casually walking around and taking in the areas not designed for tourists was easily the best part of the trip. i remember going clubbing in Shibuya until 3am and going on a drunken adventure back to the airbnb since i accidentally told our uber to take us to Horikiri instead of Horikiri-Shobuen. you seriously need to go if you ever get the chance. this trip gave me memories i will hold onto forever. i'm now studying Japanese diligently so i can live there for an extended period by the end of the decade.
>>6996 That sounds like a lot of fun. I would definitely do all the city stuff, I would also like to check out the deer city and fox parks they have because I love animals. Did you have a lot of trouble communicating with people because you didn’t speak the language? Also, best of luck on the learning the language. I hope you’re able to reach that goal!
>>7019 i would also love to do more of the nature stuff next time. and yes, we did have trouble communicating. most people (and i really do mean most) don't speak English so i highly recommend learning some Nihongo before you go there. thank you! i hope you make it there one day.
i just made some subs for dinner
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>>6951 I am going to draw a manga inspired by tkmiz and nihei and ichikawa, anytime now.

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