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HALT Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 19:43:20 No. 22
What have *you* learned today?
That clear urine can be also caused by kidney issue, diabetes, and stuff
A strand of human hair can support 100g of weight
>>23 Are there any signs to look out for that separate that from it being normal?
>>34 You can probably just tell it's normal if you've been hydrated and drinking water
>>34 Only one way to find out...
apparently it may be that things that aren't black holes could give off hawking radiation
>>22 Never knew this before: A group of flamingos is called "flamboyance"
>>107 beautiful name, flamboyance :surprise:
Plate tectonics wasn't an accepted idea until the 60s-70s because people were dumber then
>>22 imageboard boards culture's. It's a wonderful learning experience filled with good effort.

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