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Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 16:15:35 No. 114
Do you know any second languages or are learning any?
I'm learning Japanese and want to learn French! Maybe German in the future too...
>>115 >German Why? For Asuka..? I would too to be honest Maybe you can impress her with both Japanese and German
I would love to learn something like Mandarin, but I'm a dumb dumb monolingual with caveman brain to learn it (Not stopping me from eventually attempting it >:D)
I tried learning Russian a couple of years back. Maybe one day I'll attempt it again As of now I know spanish, english and I got a first grader's understanding of cyrillic languages
>>124 Russian sounds like it'd be fun to speak
The language I want to learn the most is French
>>114 English is my second language... I do know quite a bit of Spanish, mostly reading and hearing Now I'm learning Japanese :snicker" >>115 >>130 I also want to learn a French. Technically I learned for a while during middle school, but I don't remember almost anything
>>154 I took Japanese a bit in high school but I sucked at it
english is my third lang which I have been learning since my childhood, still don't get it. I wish I could master this lang as my first and second languages, because it has lots of useful informations. the global language though
>>158 Good luck in continuing to master the English language. It was my 2nd language too because I moved to America when I was in middle school. Before that I knew Russian. The best way to learn is just to simply be immersed in it by living in English dominant places, which goes for any language. Enjoy the media with it and such.
Just like every non-English internet user i know my native(Latvian) language and English. Is there even any point to learning another language if i'm not gonna move anywhere?
English is my second language and I've been immersed in learning Mandarin
>>114 I currently speak 3 languages Italian English German and am trying to learn japanese rn
>>160 Probably not, but it's kind of fun to do so anyway.
>>114 I am learning French!
I wasted my time learning Spanish for years just to somehow know barely any of the language. Now I'm learning Indonesian/Malaysian since they're a lot closer and realistically there's a chance I'll be visiting Malaysia in the future.
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Aside from my native language and my parents' language (they're immigrants), I know English (obviously), and I'm learning Japanese.
>>160 The only language worth learning (aside from English) is Japanese, so that you can appreciate glorious Japanese media to the full extent.
>>114 English is my second language, with German being my mother tongue. I'm currently learning Russian to be able to talk to my older family members
I want to learn Mandarin
>>160 I see learning languages as a fun activity. I'd love to learn random languages in my free time. Latvian looks really beautiful written, I'd like to one day have the strength and time to learn it. I guess to most people learning languages can be boring.
I recently began to learn Japanese. Wish me luck!
>>255 Ganbatte ne!
>>187 What is your native language?
>>160 same except finnish i don't have the patience for learning other languages
>>114 I'm part of the Philology department right now, with a focus on Japanology.
I know some Persian and Arabic. I might start Syriac or Greek soon. I tried Japanese and liked it but dropped it because I didn't have the time.
Italian is my mother language and I know english from years of internet usage. Apart from that, I studied spanish in school and know some russian. I'm also trying to learn japanese like everyone else, but at this rate I will be long dead before I manage to formulate a full sentence
>>114 Currently I only know Portuguese (Brazil) and english. I tried Japanese these days but I thought it was overwhelming for a smol brain like me. The good thing about being a native portuguese speaker is that I can understand spanish without much hassle English I literally learnt with Comprehensive Input, simply by watching tons of videos, listening to music and watching TV series. It worked surprisingly well!! I will try this with Japanese, later.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>297 >The good thing about being a native portuguese speaker is that I can understand spanish without much hassle Yes, same, and some other latin languages, like French and Italian
>>298 Are you portuguese brazillian or portuguese portuguese? lol I try understanding Portuguese from Portugal, but it sounds more like another language the accent is difficult haha
>>299 Portuguese from Portugal Everyone says our accent is hard to understand or that it sounds like Russian, but I understand Brazilian just fine I'm probably way more exposed to it than you are to Portuguese from Portugal tho
learning Japanese vocabulary is the worst part of learning any language.
>>301 Specially when the vocabulary has nothing to do with your mother language
>>114 Yes, I know English.
>>325 Do you really?

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